India becomes Britain's domain.
After the war of seven years, Britain manages to get hold into India, Thus India becomes part of Britain's empire. -
conquered by France -
Primera Guerra del Opio
Se desencadeno de la medida china de frenar a los britanicos y su trafico de opio hacia china. -
Tratado de Nanking
Tras la derrota del imperio chino, gran bretaña fuerza a abrir puertos al comercio europeos en este acuerdo. -
Rebelión Taiping
Rebelión Campesina hacia la falta de tierras y a los impuestos altos, Liderados por Hong Xiuquan quien se denomino a si mismo como rey del Reino celestial de la paz. -
Napoleón III
Cavour Pide ayuda a Napoleon III y firma acuerdos para el apoyo de francia contra Austria. -
plebiscito de 1860
incorporación al reino de Cerdeña (base de la futura Italia), de los estados de Parma, Módena y Toscana -
Víctor Manuel II
El primer parlamento nacional reunido en Turín, proclamó como Rey de Italia a Víctor Manuel II. -
Otto von Bismarck
Bismarck was appointed Minister-President of that country in 1862 his aims were revenge and the restoration of Prussia as a great European power. -
Intento Apoderarse de Roma durante la Batalla de Aspromonte -
Muerte de Hong Xiuquan
Tras su muerte, taiping se debilito enormemente y la unión extranjera acabo por sofocarlo. -
Seven Weeks War
Prussian victory radically changed a European political landscape which had remained virtually the same since the defeat of Napoleon. -
Integracion del Veneto
El rey de Italia hizo un trato con Prusia para que tras la derrota de Austria se anexara este al reino de Italia. -
Culminación de la Unificación
Después de la Batalla de Sedán, Sin la Protección de Francia, el papa quedo sin aliados, esto le dio la oportunidad de obtener los estados del mismo y unificar a Italia. -
Batalla de Sedán
El resultado fue la captura del emperador Napoleón III junto con su ejército y decidió en la práctica la guerra en favor de Prusia y sus aliados, -
Franco Prussian War
when Bismarck moved Prussia’s armies into position, they were joined – for the first time in history – by men from every other German state and the war only ended when Paris fell in late January 1871. -
Germany Unification
Germany became a nation for the first time in history after a nationalistic war against France masterminded by the “Iron Chancellor” Otto von Bismarck. -
Period: to
Long Depression
T.rade showed a growing deficit, with shrinking and increasingly protectionist continental markets -
France occupied Tunisia in May -
Triple Alliance
Italy to adheres in 1882 to the German-Austrian Dual Alliance -
Leopold II
HIs rule became a terror regime that ended with mass killings and slave labor, the terror had made between 3 to 22 million victims. -
Conferencia de Berlín
En este congreso se dictaron las normas para el reparto y ocupación de África y se proclamó , entre otras medidas, la libre navegación marítima y fluvial y la libertad de comercio con la zona central del continente africano. -
Witwatersrand Gold Rush
lead to the foundation of Johannesburg -
French West Africa
Was Founded: Mauritania, Senegal, French Sudan (now Mali), French Guinea (now Guinea), Ivory Coast, Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso), Dahomey (now Benin) and Niger -
Fashoda Incident
stemmed from battles over control of the Nile headwaters, which caused Britain to expand in Sudan. Almost lead France and Britain to war. -
Reformas de los Cien Dias
Reformas que intentaban asimilar las costumbres occidentales a la cultura china, por causas internas de la corte, no duraron mas que cien días, siendo vetadas el 11 de septiembre del mismo año de su publicación. -
Second Boer War
"conjunction of the superfluous money and of the superfluous manpower, which gave the inhabitants their hand to quit together the country," -
Anglo-Japanese Alliance
an alliance that bound Britain and Japan to assist one another in safeguarding their respective interests in China and Korea. Directed against Russian expansionism in the Far East -
First Maroccan Crisis
The conflict between France and Germany in Morocco status as colony. -
Algeciras Conference
France's influence on Morocco was compensated by the exchange of other territories -
Triple Entente
association between Great Britain, France, and Russia, the nucleus of the Allied Powers in World War I. -
Belgian Congo
Belgium ended Leopold II rule annexing it as a colony. -
Muere La emperatriz Cixí
Muere la gobernante del imperio chino, Quien había quedado viuda falleció, esto dio fin a la dinastía Qing. -
Agadir crisis
Agadir Incident or Second Moroccan Crisis was a brief international crisis sparked by the deployment of a substantial force of French troops in the interior of Morocco -
Abdica el Emperador chino
El emperador de ahora 6 años abdico a favor de Sun Yat-Sen y se instaura una república que después pasaría a manos de Yuan Shikai -
Tratado de Viena
Italia se divide en siete Estados independientes -
El Tratado de Letrán
Por dicho Tratado se reconocía la existencia del pequeño Estado del Vaticano (Estado que queda dentro de la ciudad de Roma) y asimismo, el Papa era reconocido como su soberano. -
Gandhi's Salt March
Gandhi's campaign of tax resistance and nonviolent protest against the British salt monopoly. -
Second Italo-Abyssinian War
a colonial war which was fought between Italy and Ethiopia -
Protest against Britain
When Britain took India into the war without consultation in 1939, Congress opposed it; large nationalist protests ensued. -
''Quit India'' Movement
A mass movement against British rule. -
Great Calcutta Killing
left some 4,000 people dead and a further 100,000 homeless. -
Cabinet Mission
A cabinet mission was dispatched to India, Attlee described it as help to help India attain freedom as hastily and smoothly possible -
New viceroy
Lord Louis Mountbatten arrived in Delhi with a mandate to find a speedy way of bringing the British Raj to an end. -
Pakistan's Independence
Separation of India in different states, Pakistan Celebrated on August 14 -
India's Independence
the division of British India into the two separate states of India and Pakistan, India Celebrated this event, a day after Pakistan's -
Gandhi's Assassination
Killed by a Hindu nationalist extremist who blamed him for being too supportive of Muslims at the time of Partition.