dcush timeline project

  • 50,000 BCE

    First wave to cross Bering Land Bridge

    First wave to cross Bering Land Bridge
    The first wave where the first indigenous people to cross the Bering Land Bridge. The first wave took place 50,000 years ago. Those indigenous people were migrants they moved based where there food supply would go. They would hunt down bison and other large animals.
  • 1400 BCE

    Mesoamerican ballgame

    Mesoamerican ballgame
    The Mesoamerican Ballgame was a sport played by all the Mesoamerican tribes like the Aztecs, Mayas, and Olmec. The game was created by the Olmec. The Mesoamerican ballgame was more than just a game. It had religious significance as sometimes it would be played for life or death as the loser would become a human sacrifice to the gods.
  • 1119

    The Templars

    The Templars
    The Templars were an army formed by Hugues de Payens. They pledged to protect christian visitors that visited Jerusalem and had there headquarters set up in the Jerusalem sacred temple because they had support from Baldwin the second. They protect them because back in 1099 the christian army took over Jerusalem in the crusades from Muslims. So when Christians crossed over Muslims controlled territories they would be killed or robbed.
  • Jun 20, 1325


    Tenochtitlan was an Aztec city built over Lake Texcoco. it had canals that would support the city and the people that lived in it. The population was 200,000 to 300,000 people it was one of the largest cities at the time. Tenochtitlan was an important city because it was the capital of the Aztec empire. Tenochtitlan was a powerful city however it did fall when Hernan Cortes conquered the Aztecs and took over the city in august of 1521. Today Tenochtitlan is located in modern day Mexico city
  • 1453

    Fall of Roman empire

    Fall of Roman empire
    The Roman empire was at the peak of its power. They had conquered most of Europe and was in power for over 1000 years until they Constantinople was conquered by the Turks in 1453. The Turks were under the command of the Germanic leader Odoacer.
  • 1500

    The middle passage

    The middle passage
    The middle passage was the trip from Africa the new world in which the the Europeans brought over slaves to the new world so they work for them. The middle passage was a cruel trip for the slaves the slaves would be tightly packaged, poorly fed and not properly accommodated for. Some slaves didn't survive the trip. The middle passage introduced African american slavery to the new world.
  • May 8, 1541

    Exploration of Mississippi river

    Exploration of Mississippi river
    Hernan DE Soto was a Spanish explorer that explored the Mississippi river. Hernan DE Soto was looking for gold and other treasures when exploring the Mississippi river however they didn't find any. They found native Americans who had pearls and they took them by force. The expedition was huge since Hernan took hundreds of men and several ships.
  • Roanoke colony

    Roanoke colony
    The Roanoke colony was the first attempt by English settlers to make a permanent settlement however they failed. they failed due to shortage of food and supply. There were 115 settlers on Roanoke Colony. Roanoke is located off the coast of Modern day North Carolina. its sponsor was Walter Raleigh.
  • Squanto

    Squanto was a native american that belonged to the Patuxet tribe. He is most known for helping the pilgrims when they arrived at Plymouth. He helped them out by acting as an interpreter for natives and pilgrims. He also guided the pilgrims through there first winter in the new world he taught them how to plant corn, find nuts an berries and how to fish. He was an essential part in the pilgrims survival. He died November 30 1622.
  • Anne Hutchinson

    Anne Hutchinson
    Anne Hutchinson was an influential puritan leader that from Massachusetts. She challenged male dominance in the puritan religion. Anne Hutchinson wanted women to have to equal positions in the religion. She formed groups of women and challenged the elderly male in the religion. Anne Hutchinson was also a defendant in trials intended to squelch religious dissent. She was an early feminist. She died August 1643.
  • Triangular trade

    Triangular trade
    The triangular trade was a large trading system which involved the North America, Europe and Africa. Everything from slaves, crops, finished product, and raw product. There were 3 parts to the triangular trade. Part one involved Sending raw materials to Europe from North America, second part involved sending finished goods from Europe to Africa to sell. The last part included sending slaves from Africa to North America. The triangular trade was important for the economy of the colonies.
  • John Smith founded Jamestown

    John Smith founded Jamestown
    John smith is an English settler responsible for founding Jamestown the first permanent colony in the new world. John smith was responsible for making Jamestown a functioning colony as they faced problem just like any other colony. John smith made rules that would make everyone work so they could eat, he made walls to prevent attacks, made peace with neighboring Indians and even established trade with them.
  • New Amsterdam

    New Amsterdam
    New Amsterdam was a dutch founded settlement. New Amsterdam is located on the southern tip of Manhattan or modern day New York city. In 1644 New Amsterdam the English control was passed and the English and dutch settlers lived in peace however the dutch would no longer be in control. Until 1673 where English loss control and Netherlands gained it everything was back to normal in 1674 when English regained control. New Amsterdam became the first capital for US after the american revolution.
  • Puritians

    The puritans were English protestants that wished to reform or purify the English catholic church without getting in trouble or facing consequence. They came to the new world so they could practice religion freely without persecution from the church. The puritans arrived in Salem in 1628.
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Sir Isaac Newton
    Isaac Newton was a English physicist and mathematician most known for creating the laws of gravity and calculus. He made a huge impact during the enlightenment period with hes discovery's. He's ideas motivated philosophers to modernize their society throughout the 18th century.
  • William Penn

    William Penn
    William Penn was an English reformer most known for founding the colony of Pennsylvania. William Penn came to the new world in 1682 because he was being persecuted for being a Quaker. He made Pennsylvania a place where people could practice religion freely without any consequences. William Penn died in July 30, 1718.
  • Nathaniel Bacon

    Nathaniel Bacon
    Nathaniel Bacon was a colonist from Virginia most known for leading the bacon rebellion. He led the rebellion against the governor William Berkeley. The reasons for the rebellion were restrictions on the right to vote, high taxes, low tobacco prices, and no protection from native american attacks. After the rebellion Nathaniel Bacon was a hero he was elected to the House of Burgesses but was arrested when he tried taking hes seat. He died on October 26, 1676 from dysentery.
  • John Edwards

    John Edwards
    John Edwards was an american revivalist preacher and philosopher. He was a puritan and had a reformed theology. He was most known for hes philosophizes. The most known one involved sermon sinners in the hands of an angry god. It warned sinners that they were going to hell unless they repented ans asked Jesus Christ for mercy. His outstanding preaching lead to the great awakening in 1734-1735. He died in March 22 1758.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    Benjamin Franklin was an important figure during the enlightenment era. He is known for writing the declaration of Independence and being considered a founding father of america. He's writings for the constitution reflected the enlightenment ideas. He also famous for hes investigation with electricity. He also invented the lighting rod, bifocals, and many more. He had such a huge impact during the enlightenment period that he's on the hundred dollar bill. He died on April 17 1790.
  • Patrick Henry

    Patrick Henry
    Patrick Henry was an American attorney. He is most known for being part of the founding fathers, for being the first governor of Virginia, and for he's famous give me liberty or death speech. He lead a protest against the stamp act in 1765, helped get the bill of rights ratified, he was elected to the First Continental Congress.
  • Thomas Paine

    Thomas Paine
    Thomas Paine was an English American Writer, political activist, inventor, and philosopher. Thomas Payne was one of the founding fathers of America as he helped paved the declaration of independence. He also wrote a pamphlet called common sense which was about advocating independence from Great Britain to people in the Thirteen Colonies. He wrote it to persuade colonist to stand up and fight for an equal government.
  • Period: to

    american industrial revolution

    the american industrial revolution was a time when Americans where switching over from handmade goods to mass produced goods. The introduction of machinery and factories had a lot to do with the industrial revolution.
  • Fort William Henry

    Fort William Henry
    Fort William Henry was an English fort. It was located on the southern end of Lake George in the providence of New York. The fort was under British Control until 1757 when after a successful siege the French took control. Notorious atrocities were committed by the Huron tribes against the surrendered British. The fort was only used from 1755 to 1757.
  • Treaty of paris 1763

    Treaty of paris 1763
    The treaty of Paris of 1763 was signed in order to end the seven years war or French and Indian war between France and Great Britain. In the treaty France had to give up all its territories in North America. They gave up all there territories so they wouldn't be a threat to the English colonies. The treaty was signed in Paris France thus giving it the name the Treaty of Paris.
  • Revenue act/ Sugar act

    Revenue act/ Sugar act
    The sugar act was a revenue act passed by the parliament of Britain. The sugar act increased the number of items that would be taxed when imported to the the colonies. The sugar act cause many problems as it upset colonist. they were upset because they used sugar and molasses to make rum. The upset colonist protested and boycott English luxury goods. The sugar act was repealed in 1766 by the Revenue act of 1766.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea party was an event where colonist snuck into the Boston Harbor disguised as Mohawk. They threw out 342 chests of tea belonging to the British East India Company. They dumped the tea because they were upset about the Tea act that had been passed. It was a form of protest by the sons of liberty. The Boston tea party caused the Intolerable act to be passed as punishment for there actions.
  • Paul Revere

    Paul Revere
    Paul Revere was a American patriot in the American Revolution he is most known for hes midnight ride that happened 04/18/1775. During he's midnight ride he rode 7 miles from Boston to Lexington warning the patriots that the British were coming. Paul's original destination was concord however he only made it to Lexington. He also took part in the Boston teat party.
  • Guerrilla Warfare

    Guerrilla Warfare
    Guerrilla warfare was a form of irregular combat. During guerrilla warfare there would be a small group soldiers that would ambush, sabotage or raid incoming enemies. It was essentially a hit and run style of fighting.It was considered dirty. Guerrilla warfare played a huge part during the american revolution as it overwhelmed the British since they had had threats coming from all sides. Guerrilla warfare introduced the hard war polices as before wars were fought like gentlemen face to face.
  • July 2nd

    July 2nd
    On July 2nd in 1776 during the american revolution the legal separation of the thirteen colonies from Great Britain. On July 2nd 12 colonial delegations voted on leaving Great Britain New York Delegates were the only one abstaining from leaving. John Adams wrote that July 2nd would be independence day however we celebrate it on July 4th.
  • Constitution Of Massachusetts

    Constitution Of Massachusetts
    The Constitution Of Massachusetts was the first written constitution it was drafted by John Adams and it served as a model for the constitution of the United States.
  • Articles of confederation

    Articles of confederation
    The articles of confederation were the first constitution of the 13 colonies. The articles of confederation weren't perfect they had multiple weaknesses. Some of those weakness included the federal government not having enough power to enforce there laws. They basically had no power. Another problem involved money since the USA was in debt they had to borrow money from the states to pay of the debt which put them further in debt. The Articles of confederation were replaced in 1789.
  • John C Calhoun

    John C Calhoun
    John Calhoun was a American statesman, political theorist, and he served as the seventh vice president however he never became president. John Calhoun encouraged going to war with England in 1812 since he was the Secretary of war at the time. John Calhoun was an important figure in the south since he strongly supported state's rights and he supported slavery. John Calhoun supported the south during the civil war and didn't want it to lose since they had the same views.
  • Winfield Scott

    Winfield Scott
    Winfield Scott was a army general. He is considered one of the best us military leaders. He hoped to become president as he ran as the Whig party nomination in the election of 1852.However most of he's accomplishments took place in the battlefield.During the war of 1812 he trained unprofessional soldier and disciplined. He also wrote the general regulations for the army.During the Mexican american war he out maneuvered the enemy out of their defensive position. He made our army for professional.
  • Shay's rebellion

    Shay's rebellion
    Shays Rebellion was a rebellion led by former revolutionary war veteran and 4,000 rebels. They went around violently attacking courthouses in Massachusetts because farmers where losing there farms and being put in jail because of debt. The goal of rebels was to prevent the trial and imprisonment of debt ridden citizens. Shays rebellion was one of the main reasons we realized it was time for a new government since articles of confederation where too weak.
  • Anti Federalist Papers

    Anti Federalist Papers
    The Anti Federalist Papers were a collection of ideas written by the Anti Federalist with there concerns about the constitution of 1787. The Anti federalist Papers saw the constitution as a threat they thought having a strong central government would be bad because it would affect there rights and there recently achieve freedom from Great Britain. There is no specific author for the anti federalist papers it was written by multiple anti Federalist.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    The Constitutional Convention was a meeting to write a new constitution or revise the old one. It took place from May 27 till September 17 of 1787 in the old Pennsylvania State House. The main reason for the convention was to decided the what type of government the United States was going to have since the articles of confederation were pretty weak and had lots of problems. The delegates choose to have a new government rather than repairing the old one and elected George Washington as president.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    The Northwest Ordinance was act of the Congress of the confederation of the United States. The Northwest Ordinance regulated the settlement of the Northwest Territory which was eventually divided into states it outlined the process for admitting a new state to the Union. The Northwest ordinance guaranteed that new states would be equal to 13 colonies. it also made the Ohio river a border for free states and slave states. The Northwest Ordinance was part of the articles of confederation.
  • Election of 1788

    Election of 1788
    The election of 1788 was the first quadrennial presidential election and it was conducted under the new constitution. During the election of 1788 there were no political parties candidates where either Federalist or Anti Federalist. During this election George Washington was unanimously elected and John Adams was he's vice president.
  • Period: to

    New republic

    New republic was the era when we had our first president George Washington and the first cabinet set up a form of government that we would use for our country.
  • Second Great Awakening

    Second Great Awakening
    The second Great Awakening was a religious protestant revival. The second great awakening was started by religious revivals occurring at the time. During the second great awakening they established reformation movements for temperance, women rights, and abolitionist. Religion was the main cause of the second great awakening as people were having different ideas on it and no longer had simpler religious belief or practices they where changed.
  • The Federalist

    The Federalist
    The federalist were a political party also known as Pro - Administration party. It was the first American Political Party and its founder was Alexander Hamilton. The Federalist supported a strong central government and strong executive branch. They didn't support the Bill of rights. John Adams was the only Federalist president. The Federalist Party came to and end 1824 with many Americans viewing them as traitors.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments in the constitution of the united states. It was created in September 25 1789 but it was not ratified until December 15 1781. The Bill of Rights was written by James Madison. It was proposed by the anti Federalist. The Bill of Rights was written in order to keep the rights of individuals safe.
  • First Cabinet

    First Cabinet
    The First Cabinet was during Washington's presidency they are the first cabinet because Washington was the first president of the United States. The members of the cabinet were Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of state, Alexander as Secretary of treasury, Henry Knox as Secretary of war, John Adams as vice president. there first meeting was held on February 25 1793. The modern cabinet consist of 16 however Washington's only consisted of 4.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin was revolutionary invention that changed the south since it was mainly used on cotton plantations. The cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney in 1793 but it was validated until 1807. The cotton gin was used to separate cotton seed from cotton fibers. The cotton gin cut down on the amount of time that was required to separate seeds but it increased slavery since the demand for cotton was higher than before.
  • Pickney's Treaty

    Pickney's Treaty
    Pickney's Treaty was a treaty to establish friendship intentions between Spain and the United States. This treaty solved the western and southern border issues between Spain and America and permitted free navigation of the Mississippi by American ships. By being able to navigate the Mississippi Americans had commercial arrangements that benefit them. The treaty was signed in San Lorenzo de El Escorial on October 27 1795.
  • Jay's treaty

    Jay's treaty
    Jays Treaty was signed in order to advert the war between the USA and Great Britain. The treaty made Great Britain eliminate all the western post they had and it established claim for the damaged caused by British ships seizures. The treaty also solved unresolved issues since the America gained its independence. The treaty was started in November 19 1794 but wasn't in effect until February 29 1796 it was also signed in London England.
  • Washington's Farewell address

    Washington's Farewell address
    Washington's Farewell address was a letter written by George Washington after ending he's second term as president. In the 32 page letter Washington gave some advice to avoid excessive political party spirit. He also advise us about the dangers of long term foreign alliances with other countries. Washington's farewell had a huge impact on us as we followed what he advice on foreign alliances until 1949.
  • Alien and Sedition's act

    Alien and Sedition's act
    The Alien and Sedition's act was a series of laws passed by federalist congress and signed into law by John Adams. The Alien and sedition act made it harder for immigrants to vote and it add to power to deport immigrants. The act was passed because there where a lot of immigrants in the us and they eared they would side with the French. This act violated the first amendment of the constitution.
  • Period: to

    age of jefferson

    The age of Jefferson was when Thomas Jefferson got elected president and the defeated the federalist and the revolution of our government.
  • Thomas Cole

    Thomas Cole
    Thomas Cole was an american painter born in England. He contributed to transcendentalism because he was a painter and fine arts are a part of transcendentalism. He also contributed by founding the Hudson river school of romantic American landscape. He was known for he's idyllic landscape paintings as he put a lot of detail into them.
  • Period: to

    Westward expansion

    The Westward expansion was a movement by settlers. People were moving to the west of the US in order to achieve manifest destiny. During the westward expansion many things were discovered such as the gold rush, Oregon trail and etc.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark Expedition
    The Lewis and Clark Expedition was a mission to explore the unknown territory, establish trade with Native Americans, and find a waterway from US to Pacific Ocean. The expedition was funded by Thomas Jefferson. They failed to identify the northwest passage however they did identify 120 animals, 200 botanical samples, and made peace with dozens of native american tribes. The expedition lasted 2 years and cost 50,000. It started May 14 1804 and ended September 23 1806.
  • 12th amendment

    12th amendment
    The twelve amendment was ratified to refine the way that the president and vice president are elected. The amendment calls for for the president to be elected through electoral college. However if there is no majority vote for neither candidate, the house of representatives chooses the president and the senate chooses the vice president. The house of Representatives gets one vote per state.
  • Hamilton Vs Burr

    Hamilton Vs Burr
    Hamilton vs Burr was a duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton. Alexander Hamilton and Aaron had been political enemies for a long time but they only dueled because Hamilton prevented Burr from winning the Presidency by spreading rumors about him. Hamilton and Burr dueled however Hamilton lost and when he died federalist ideas died. They died because Hamilton was a federalist and Burr wasn't. Burr's career ended because he was charged conspiracy.
  • Steamboat

    The steam boat was new type of transportation in 1800s. The steamboat didn't require paddles to move as it used the steam engine to move. The steamboat was created by Robert Fulton. The steam boat was important because it was a new faster way to travel down the Mississippi river in 1800s.
  • Embargo Act OF 1807

    Embargo Act OF 1807
    The Embargo act was a law passed by the congress of the United States of America and it was signed into order by Thomas Jefferson. The law prohibited the United States from trading with foreign countries it didn't allow US ships to trade on foreign ports. It was done because of the Napoleonic war that was going on. The Embargo Act of 1807 was not successful as it affected the economy in a negative way. It reduced agriculture prices and shipping industries were devastated.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    The Oregon trail was a 2,000 mile trail from Missouri to Oregon city. Manifest destiny was the reason for the Oregon trail because the trail was used by pioneers that wanted to migrate west without it it would have been harder to settle in the Oregon territory. The trail was forged by trapper, hunters, and traders. The trail could only be traveled by foot or horseback until 1836 when the first migration of wagons traveled it.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war of 1812 was a war fought over British violations of U.S. maritime rights. The war involved the United States, Britain, and allies of both sides.The war started when British were using the practice of impressment on US naval ships when they were in battle with France during the Napoleonic war. The war took place from June 18 1812 to February 18 1815. Many federalist believe that the war was fought in order to help Napoleon beat British as he was struggling.
  • Period: to


    The era of sectionalism started after the war of 1812 when people were becoming loyal to where they lived for example they either considered them selves northerners or southerners but they didn't see themselves as a whole. The era of Sectionalism lead to The civil war.
  • 2nd Bank of US

    2nd Bank of US
    The second national bank was opened for the same reason as first to pay off war debt, raise money for government, and to create a common currency. President Jackson was against national banks. However unlike the first bank the second wasn't successful not even a little bit like the first. The bank was active from 1816 to 1836. The downfall of the bank came in 1833 when Jackson decided not to use the bank so he defunded the bank.
  • Frederick Douglass

    Frederick Douglass
    Frederick Douglas was a former slave turned american reformer and abolitionist. As an abolitionist Douglass wrote multiple autobiography's showing how slavery was injustice. He gave speeches in order to change peoples view on slavery and he started the north star an anti slavery newspaper named after the north-star used by slaves to escape to the north. Apart from abolitionist Douglass also took part in women's right movement even attending the Seneca falls convention.
  • Panic of 1819

    Panic of 1819
    The panic of 1819 was the first major financial crisis. The main cause was that loans couldn't be payed off. During the panic of 1819 many banks were failing and mortgages were going foreclosure, people were losing there land. The prices of agriculture and manufacturing were impaired. President Jackson was blamed for the panic of 1819 but the the second bank of america also had part in the crisis.
  • Adam - Onis Treaty 1819

    Adam - Onis Treaty 1819
    The Adam - Onis treaty was between Spain and the United States that ceded Florida as part of the United Stated and no longer considered it a Spanish territory. It also defined the boundary between the United States and New Spain. The United States also acknowledged Spanish sovereignty over Texas. The treaty was signed in 1819 but didn't take effect until 1821.
  • Period: to

    Age of Jackson

    The age of Jackson was a time when Andrew Jackson was president and the changes that occurred in america. He was a hero to the common man and is considered to be one of the most influential presidents.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri compromise was a bill passed by congress and it was created by Henry Clay. The bill granted Missouri to be a slave state but there was a condition that slavery would be illegal for the rest of the Louisiana purchase above the 36th parallel line. The main purpose of the Missouri compromise was to balance the amount of free and slave states there was in the united states.
  • Clara Barton

    Clara Barton
    Clara Barton was a pioneering nurse most known founding the red cross. Clara Barton was a teacher but she enjoyed being a nurse as she played an important part in Civil war medical area. Clara would help bloody soldiers on the battlefield and off. After the war ended she helped identify soldiers that had been killed. She founded the red cross in 5/21/1881. She played a huge role in care giving and has made impact to this day.
  • Corrupt Bargain

    Corrupt Bargain
    The Corrupt Bargain was an issue that occurred during the presidential election of 1824 between John Adams and Andrew Jackson. During this election neither candidate won the major electoral votes so the decision was up to house of representatives they awarded it to Adams. It is believe that Henry clay The speaker of the house at the time elected him because in return Adams would repay him with a higher position. Since he became the secretary of state after Adam's was elected.
  • Lowell Mills

    Lowell Mills
    Lowell Mills were 19th century textile mills operated in Lowell, Massachusetts where they produced finish products such as clothing. Working the mills were young women commonly known as mill girls. They hired women because they had experience spinning and weaving and they could be payed less than men. There was about 8,000 textile workers. The Lowell mills were part of the start of the industrial revolution. However overproduction lead to the decline of the Lowell Mills.
  • Modern democratic party

    Modern democratic party
    The modern democratic party is one of the two contemporary political parties in the us. The party was founded in 1828 by Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren. The democratic party was formed after the corrupt bargain that took place during the election of 1824. It was made to oppose Adams National Republicans. The democratic party prove to be successful when Andrew Jackson won the election of 1828.
  • Nat turner's rebellion

    Nat turner's rebellion
    Nat turner's rebellion was a slave rebellion that took place Southampton County Virginia. During the rebellion rebel slaves lead by Nat turner killed 55 to 65 people with the majority of them being white people. The effects of the rebellion weren't positive as white mobs formed and killed 200 slaves as revenge. It also raised fear of the uprising of the slaves and had a profound effect on the attitude of southerners towards slavery.
  • Tariff Act of 1832

    Tariff Act of 1832
    The Tariff act of 1832 was a protectionist tariff in the United states. The tariff act of 1832 reduced existing tariff issued by the tariff act of 1828. It was solution to the problems caused by the tariff act of 1828 however it did not satisfy some of the south especially South Carolina. It was created because the act of 1828 benefited the north more than the south. So the act of 1832 was made to benefit the south.
  • Whig Party

    Whig Party
    The Whig party was political party formed to oppose Andrew Jackson he's democrats because they viewed Jackson as a Tyrant and as a king. The Whig Party supported protective tariff, the national bank, and federal aid for internal improvements. The Whig party was formed by Henry clay in 1833 but wasn't formally organized until 1834. Four presidents belonged to the party while in office however they ceased operations in 1854 because there founder died.
  • Battle of Goliad

    Battle of Goliad
    The battle of Goliad was the second skirmish of the Texas revolution. Texas settlers attack Mexican solider stained at fort Presidio La Bahía. The battle ended in a victory for Texas as there weren't any casualties only McCulloh was wounded. The casualties were low for this battle as only 3 Mexican soldiers died and 3-7 where injured.
  • The Steel Plow

    The Steel Plow
    The steel plow was created by John Deere in 1837 for farming to break up tough soil without soil getting stuck to it. He invented it Mid west was being settled in because the soil there different than the east. He made it out of steal because the wooden ones kept on breaking. The steal plow costed around 10 to 12 dollars. The steal affected the industrial revolution in a positive way as it made cultivating crops more efficient for farmers.
  • Panic of 1837

    Panic of 1837
    The panic of 1837 was a national financial crisis in US that touched off a major recession that lasted until the mid-1840s. During the crisis profits, prices, and wages went down and the unemployment rate rose up. One of the causes for the panic of 1837 was president Jackson's fault since he choose not to renew the charter of the bank so the national funds were withdrawn. The Europeans had affected the panic too as they were going through a major economic reversal.
  • Telegraphs

    Telegraphs was a form of long distance communication that involved sending messages from a distance along a wire. they were send by making and breaking an electrical connection. It was created by Samuel Morse. There was no longer no need for long dangerous trips to send an important message. Telegraphs were faster, convenient, and safer than a messenger. The telegraph impacted the US because know the US was more connected as a nation because we could quickly and more easily communicate.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    The trail of tears was part of Andrew Jackson's Indian removal policy. The Cherokee nation was forced to give up its land east of the Mississippi. They were forced to move to modern day Oklahoma. The trail was 1,000 miles and was supposed to take 2 months but took a year. It is called the trail of tears because of the sad events that took place for example the amount of death that occurred. Nearly one fourth of the Cherokee died.
  • John Wilkes Booth

    John Wilkes Booth
    John Wilkes Booth was an actor but he is most known for being the assassin of president Lincoln. Booth was a well known actor and he supported slavery and the confederacy during the civil war. When the union won the war Booth wasn't happy so he decided to assassinate Abraham Lincoln on 4/14/1865. He felt that the south had been avenged for losing the war and the right of slavery.
  • William Henry Harrison

    William Henry Harrison
    William Henry Harrison was the ninth president however he's presidency was short since it only lasted 31 days as he died from septic shock while in office. He was president on 3/4/1941 to 4/4/1941 Harrison was born February 9 1773 he was the oldest person to go into office, he was 67 years old. However Harrison had many achievements before presidency he was a war hero, Secretary of the Northwest Territory, won a seat in congress, and was even nominated to be governor of the Northwest Territory.
  • William Miller

    William Miller
    William Miller was baptist preacher who started the millerism movement in 1843. William miller believe that the Second Advent of Jesus Christ would occur between 1843 - 1844. However hes greatest disappointment was on October 22 1944 when hes prediction about Jesus Christ returning to cleanse the earth was false. Even with hes false claim miller still had 61,000 followers known as Millerites. He died believe that That Jesus would still rise sometime soon.
  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    The Annexation of Texas was the annexation of Texas to enter the united states as a state. Texas was entered the union as the 28th state. The Annexation of Texas was controversial as some didn't want it to happen and others did . Some didn't want Texas to be annex because it would enter as a slave state and others did because it would complete the manifest destiny. The annexation of Texas also was a cause of the Mexican American war.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    The Wilmot Proviso was a proposal to ban slavery in the newly acquired from Mexico however it failed. The Northern democrats didn't want it to spread because then there would be more slave states than free slaves. The Wilmot Proviso was proposed by David Wilmot from the house of representatives. The Wilmot Proviso would later on be one of the affect of the civil war and lead to it.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The California gold rush was an event where people would move to California to mine gold and possibly become rich. It started when James W. Marshall found gold at Sutter's mill in Coloma, California. The news attracted about 300,000 people from the Us and some even came from other countries. However after a while the mines where becoming over mine and it became harder to find gold. The mines reach its peak in 1852 but ended in 1855. Over 750,000 pounds of gold where found.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe of Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe of Hidalgo
    The treaty of Guadalupe of Hidalgo ended the Mexican American war in 1848. It was also considered a peace treaty between the two countries. The treaty of Guadalupe of Hildago is the oldest treaty between Mexico and the US Still in force. The treaty was signed 2/2/1848 and it was in effect in 5/30/1848. The treaty had an effect on the civil war as the new territory didn't want to be annexed because it wasn't decided is it would be free or with slaves.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    The Seneca falls convention was the first women's right convention. It was organized by women who were part of abolitionist and temperance movements. The purpose of the convention was to gain attention to the way women were treated unfairly and didn't have a right to vote. The attendance was 300 people with 40 of them being men. At the convention they wrote the declaration of Sentiments. The declaration demanded equal social status and rights and the right vote which was there main goal.
  • Free soil Party

    Free soil Party
    The Free soil party was a political party formed by the Liberty Party, Conscience whigs, and the Barnbunners. They were important because they spread awareness of anti slavery and supported federal aid for internals. The party was lead Martin Van Buren, Salmon P. Chase, John P. Hale. The Free soil party was ceased in 1854.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The compromise of 1850 were a series of solutions presented by Henry Clay. He presented the compromise to prevent problems between the north and the south. Part of of compromised included abolishing slave trade in Washington dc, amending the fugitive slave act, California enters as free state, popular sovereignty in Utah, and Federal assumption of Texas's debt.
  • California Statehood

    California Statehood
    California became the 31st state of the United States i 10/9/1850. California lasted less than 2 years as territory. They were admitted fast because of the population they had it was required to have 60,000 settlers but California had way more because of the Gold rush. Congress accept California to enter under the compromise of 1850 that stated California would be a slave free state.
  • Fugitive Slave act

    Fugitive Slave act
    The Fugitive Slave act was a law passed by congress. The fugitive slave act was part of the compromise of 1850 between free states ans slave states. The purpose of fugitive slave act was for runaway slaves to be capture returned to the south. The law also required citizens to report slaves and if they were caught helping a slave escape they would get in trouble too. The law benefited the south more than it did the North as it made more people support anti slavery.
  • Temperance

    The temperance was the first major anti-alcohol movement in the united states. The movement was started by Carry Nation when her husband died from alcohol. The participants of the movement criticized alcohol intoxication and promoted for people to resist indulging alcohol. They believe that alcohol had negative effects a person's life, and health. The goal of temperance was for voluntary abstinence but there goal quickly changed to banning the manufacturing and selling of ardent spirits.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom's Cabin is a anti slavery novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Uncle Tom's Cabin was influenced by the fugitive slave act. The story was based on real memoir of Josiah Henson a slave living with he's attorney uncle Jim Henson. The story influenced peoples view on slavery since it was made to seem harsh and for pity to be felt. The story had an effect on the civil war as changed view on slavery and some say it lay down the ground work for it.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Bleeding Kansas were a violent civil confrontations from 1854 to 1861. Bleeding Kansas was about the legality of slaves in Kansas. The Kansas Nebraska affected Bleeding Kansas. The events of Bleeding Kansas occurred after a group of border ruffians raided the town of Lawrence Kansas which was anti slavery town. Many consider Bleeding Kansas as the early event of the civil war since anti slavery groups and pro slavery where fighting.
  • Crittenden Compromise

    Crittenden Compromise
    The Crittenden Compromise was a series on amendments proposed in congress as a compromise between pro slave and anti slaves factions. It was proposed by John Crittenden in order to avoid the civil war and the secession of the southern states. However the North opposed the compromise because they felt it was pleasing the benefiting the south more and that they want slavery to expand further than it already had.
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    The Civil war

    The civil war was a war fought over the union and confederacy over slavery. Southern states were leaving the union in order to protect the institution of slavery because the union wanted to abolish it.
  • Army of Potomac

    Army of Potomac
    The army of Potomac was the main army of the union in the eastern theater of the civil war. It was founded by George B McClellan after the battle of bull run. Some of there achievements were defending Washington dc, capturing the confederate capital, and destroying Robert E lee's army. They lost 12,400 soldiers in the process. They were disbanded in 1865 after the surrender of the confederate army.
  • Trent Affair

    Trent Affair
    The Trent Affair was a diplomatic incident. It occurred during the civil war when the us navy illegally captured 2 English diplomats from a British ship. The Trent affair almost caused another war between the united states and England. The whole incident cause Britain to start protesting because they accused the us of violating British neutrality.
  • emancipation proclamation

    emancipation proclamation
    The emancipation proclamation was a presidential proclamation issued by Abraham Lincoln for all slaves in the south to be set free. More than 3.5 million slaves benefited from the it. There was a catch to the emancipation proclamation and it was that freedom would only be granted if the confederacy returned to union and the union had to win the war. However not all slaves were actually set free.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The battle of Gettysburg was a battle between the confederacy and union during the civil was it lasted 3 days staring from July 1 and ending July 3 of 1863. There were 46,000 to 51,000 making it one of the deadliest battles of the entire war. The battle is significant because it prevented Robert e lee's second invasion of the north and the amount of casualties. The Union won the battle of Gettysburg.
  • Draft Riots

    Draft Riots
    Draft riots were a riots that took place in New York from 7/13/1863 to 7/16/1863. The riots were caused by the laws passed by congress. People weren't happy about the law involving men being drafted for the civil war. The law was unfair for poor since the rich could avoid the draft just by paying. Those riots were dangerous about 120 were reported to be killed however 1,200 died in reality.
  • Wade–Davis Bill

    Wade–Davis Bill
    Wade–Davis Bill was a strict plan that required that 50 percent of a state's white males take a loyalty oath. It also required slavery to be abolished for good so it wouldn't survive after the war and African Americans had to be given the right to vote. It was suggested by Benjamin F. Wade and Henry Winter Davis.
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    Reconstruction era

    The reconstruction era was after the civil war and the USA was trying to rebuilt the south as most of the war occurred in it. The USA was also trying to fix the problem of slavery.
  • 40 acre's and a mule

    40 acre's and a mule
    40 acre's and a mule was a promised made to slaves that they would receive land that was confiscated by the us. They would receive that land as a compensation the unpaid labor they had to do during slavery. African Americans started cultivating in those lands.
  • KKK

    The KKK or also known as the Ku Klux Klan is a hate group in the united states. They would mainly terrorize white republicans and African Americans. They terrorized them because they weren't happy about them having rights, or being considered free. They would do horrible things to there victims things such as burning them alive, hanging them, harassing them, and murdering them. The KKK was used by the democratic party to regain power.
  • Carpetbaggers

    Carpetbaggers were business men from the north that came down to the south during the reconstruction. They would go to the south to make money of the opportunities available there and they would leave once they made there money. They only exploited the south.
  • Panic of 1873

    Panic of 1873
    The Panic of 1873 was a financial crisis that cause economic depression not only in the us but also in Europe. It was from 1973 to 1879 it lasted longer in other places like Britain were it lasted for 20 years. The main cause was that the economy started falling.
  • Whiskey Ring Scandal

    Whiskey Ring Scandal
    The Whiskey Ring Scandal was a scandal involving diversion of tax revenues among government agents, politicians, whiskey distillers, and distributors.
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    The compromise of 1877 was a compromise for a problem going on during the election of 1876. The compromise said that Rutherford Hayes of the republican party would become president and the Democratic party would regain political control of southern state governments.
  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    The great migration was a migration of 6 million or more African slaves from the south to the north. They migrate to escape segregation as it was much harsher in the south than it was in the north. They also migrated because there was better job opportunities in the North because they would work in the factory's and get payed more as oppose to the south were they would do agricultural labor jobs and be payed low wage. By 1920 half a million of African Americans had left the south.