Rome Fell
The Roman Empire fell causing Europe to be caotic and many people started to die because of vikings who were warriors who stole, killed, and looted villages because there was no protection against them. This happened in 476AD.
Leann Remole -
Nov 3, 1300
Feudalism began because people needed to be protected from vikings and other enemies. Feudalism was made up of social class. At the bottom was serfs who worked for the upper class. Then knights who protected the manor. Then the priests, lords, then finally the king.
Leann Remole -
Nov 4, 1392
Black Plague
The Black Plague came across Europe and wiped out 1/3rd of the population causing more caos. The black plague was
caused by infected fleas and rats that bit people and spread the disease to them. Many people tried to leave and it cause caos because there were no jobs, government, or food for anyone.
Leann Remole -
Nov 10, 1440
Johannes Gutenberg
Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. This was an important invention because people used to have to handwrite every copy of something and the printing press made it easier and faster to make copies of something. Since people were very religious back then, he used it to make copies of the bible and then people everywhere could read it.
Leann Remole -
Nov 2, 1492
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus was the first to sail to North America. People back then used to think that the world was flat not round so they thought that if you kept sailing you would fall off the edge of the earth. Christopher thought the world was round and he was trying to find a faster route to the West Indies so he decided to sail west instead of around Africa.
That was one big accomplishment that started exploration and immagration.
Leann Remol -
Nov 5, 1500
Feudalism Fell
Since the black plague happened, Fuedalism fell because there wasn't enough people to do certain jobs or just people period. Feudalism fell because the lowest class (serfs) decided to move into the city to look for work and there was no longer a class system.
Leann Remole -
Nov 6, 1505
Crusades Began
The Holy Land was taken over by the Muslims and the Christains were told to go fight them by the priest. The Crusades lasted for a very long time and there more than 100 of them.
Leann Remole -
Nov 7, 1505
Renaissance Began
The Renaissance began because people started exploring more and questioning things more. It started in the 14 or 15th century. "Renaissance" means re-birth and it was technically the re-birth of Europe since the black plague.
Leann Remole -
Nov 8, 1508
Michaelangelo painted the sistine chapel between 1508 and 1512. This is significant because he painted the whole celing on his back and it included pictures of angels and other biblical figures.
https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=A0LEVu6wGkZWjUIAIucnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?qid=20091114215540AAt4Wf8 -
In 1609 Galileo built the first telescope. This was a breakthrough in science because back then people wanted to study stars but couldn't because they didn't have the right tools. He also was the first person to use the scientific method for conducting expirements.
Leann Remole