David-Wright brothers

By hmjds4g
  • Wilbur Wright is born in Millville, Indiana

    Wilbur Wright is born in Millville, Indiana
  • Otis & Ida born & died

  • Orville Wright born

    Orville Wright born
  • dad brought home a toy helicopter

    this toy helicopter is the spark of interest in fliying it was made of paper bamboo and a cork with a ruber band to twerl its moder.
  • Wilbur is injured in a hockey accident and doesn't attend college

  • Susan Koerner Wright (mom) dies from tuberculosis

  • Wright brothers open their bicycle shop

    Wright brothers open their bicycle shop
  • Wrights build wind tunnel

    Wrights build wind tunnel
  • first powerd flight

    first powerd flight
    the Wright brothers made there ferst powerd flight.
  • Wrights granted patent on flying machine

    Wrights granted patent on flying machine
  • Wilbur dies of typhoid fever