
David Guadarrama

  • Learning English

    Learning English
    The first words I spoke were in Spanish and as I grew I continued to be fluent in only Spanish, as all my friends and family spoke it around me. It was not until I was around 5 years old that I began to learn English due to my family and I moving to another state where I was no longer surrounded by friends who spoke only Spanish but also English. I began taking all English rather than the usual bilingual classes. As time went by I became fluent in English as well.
  • Spelling Bee

    Spelling Bee
    I actually found Spelling Bee's interesting but for some reason the words that would stumble me would be ones that seemed like a complicated one but really was simple, and I just overthought the word. Closest I got to winning was 2nd place.
  • Reading

    I have never been a person that loves reading but there was one instance where I actually enjoyed reading. In 5th grade my teacher had us read the first book of a series named A Series of Unfortunate Events. I surprisingly found this book very interesting that I not only read the first book that was assigned but continued to read the rest of the series which was 13 books in total.
  • ELA Honors Classes

    ELA Honors Classes
    I just find level 1 classes boring so I decided that I would do either Honors or AP English classes throughout all High School to push myself and get accustomed to the work load.
  • AP English Course

    AP English Course
    Now being in my junior year I have now finally been in an AP English course. I decided to take this course in order to improve my writing skills which I believe are too standard, knowing they will be essential in the future.