David Bloor

  • David Bloor

    Bloor was born in 1942 and is a British sociologist that is credited for many developments in technological and scientific fields. He has written copiously on the Kuhn/Popper debate as well as Wittgenstein’s philosophy. He has completed research at Cambridge and trained in philosophy as well as mathematics.
  • Knowlege and Social Imagery

    First released in 1976, Knowledge and Social Imagery became known as one of the most important aspects of the strong program. The strong program or strong sociology is the collection of varies texts of scientific knowledge and technology. It is seen as a document with unparalleled importance to the scientific community.
  • A Social Theory Of Knowledge

    To some it seemed that this text seemed to downplay the importance of the material world because of the focus on “idealism”. Bloor believed it was because sociologists understand knowledge as only a social institution or conceptual institutions. His exposition most accurately is based on Wittgenstein’s sociological and naturalist standpoint.
  • Rules and Institutions

    One of Bloor’s more recent works is a comprehensive breakdown of philosophy through Wittgenstein’s “rules”, who was mostly overlooked by philosophy until others like Bloor revisited these topics to introduce a new perspective. Bloor can be credited with methodologically following the steps Wittgenstein had created many years prior.
  • Bloor Currently

    David Bloor is currently the Director of the Science Studies Unit and continues to pass on his knowledge and expertise. He is an author and a professor and have published 5 books that will undoubtedly be used by many curious philosophizers for years to come. His work has been pivotal to the structure of others theory’s as well such as the strong program.