Dave at Night

  • Dave's Mom Dies

    Dave's Mom Dies
    Dave's mom dies of giving birth to him but Dave survives.
  • Papa Dies

    Papa Dies
    One day when Dave came home he got the news from Ida saying his father dieing from falling off the roof of a house which he was helping build.
  • Sitting Shiva

    Sitting Shiva
    After Gideon was adopted by Uncle Jack, Dave and Ida were demonstrating a Jewish tradition called sitting shiva. Sitting shiva was when Jewish people would stay at home for a week after a loved one had died.
  • Dave Has Nowhere To Go

    Dave Has Nowhere To Go
    Dave's relatives have told him that he will have to go to an orphanage because no-one will take care of him.
  • Dave Arrives At The Orphanage

    Dave Arrives At The Orphanage
    Dave arrives at the orphange and his carving, the only thing left of papa that he has is taken away by Mr.Doom
  • Dave Hates The Orphanage

    Dave Hates The Orphanage
    Dave hates the HHB, the bedrooms are cold, the food is awful and often stolen by bullies and of course he hates Mr. Bloom
  • Buddy

    After a while Dave gets usedd to living at the HHB and makes new friends, "buddies". The other elevens tell Dave that they call themselves buddies because their not brothers or best friends so therefor they are buddies. Dave likes the idea and starts calling all the other elevens not by their name but by "buddy".
  • Dave Escapes from the Orphange

    Dave Escapes from the Orphange
    Dave escapes from the orphange and ends up meeting Solly and going to party's with him.
  • Solly

    Dave has been sneaking out of HHB to go to parties with Solly and Bandit. Dave groans while Solly is trying to predict the future with cards. Toghther they make a good team and make several dollars off of it.
  • Irma Lee

    Irma Lee
    At one of the party's Dave meets a girl around his age called Irma Lee. They become good friends and develpo a great relationship.
  • Mr. Bloom's Last Days

    Mr. Bloom's Last Days
    After sleeping at Solly's place for one night, Solly, Bandit, Mrs. Packer, Irma Lee and Dave all march right into Mr. Doom's office and tell him that if he does not make some extreme changes in the way he leads then Mrs. Packer would have to make his life miserable by tellling the world what Mr. Doom does to the boys at the ophanage. Mr. Doom stopped hurting the elevens but started abusing the other boys so the nurse evantually got Mr. Bloom fired. :)
  • Visits

    Irma Lee, Ms.Packer and Solly all visit Dave since he hasno other family members that will visit him often and because Dave couldn't live in irma Lee's basement.