
DAT 223 Heart Matters Data Collection Timeline

  • Period: to

    Initial Interviews and Surveys Conducted

    Initial surveys were conducted in 29 states to determine the feasibility of collecting behavioral data for the CDC
  • BRFSS established by CDC

    BRFSS established by CDC
    15 states participated in monthly data collection.
  • Standard Questionnaire Implemented

    Standard Questionnaire Implemented
    Standard questions on specific topics where created to collect information from patients
  • BRFSS Became Nationwide

    BRFSS Became Nationwide
    BRFSS became nationwide, redesigned the questionnaire and finished about 100,000 interviews.
  • Period: to

    Biannual Meetings

    From 2002 - 2009 BRFSS conducted biannual meetings with expert panels included 20 survey statisticians to develop options and prioritize recommendations.
  • Period: to

    Flu Vaccine Shortage

    2004-2005 BRFSS Monitored the vaccine shortage
  • WEAT

    BRFSS added a Web-Enabled Analysis Tool (WEAT) to help analyze the data through different methods.
  • H1N1 Added to Questionaire

    H1N1 Added to Questionaire
    after the 2009 H1N1 outbreak, the vaccine was added to the survey
  • Cell Phone Surveys

    Cell Phone Surveys
    Cell phone surveys being added helped reached a whole new demographic that wasn't accessible before. More than 500,000 interviews were conducted.
  • Becoming the Largest Health Survey

    Becoming the Largest Health Survey
    BRFSS becomes the largest health survey system in the world. Includes all 50 states, the District of Columbia and 3 US territories. They completed more than 400,000 interviews.
  • Data Stored

    Data Stored
    Data retrieved from the BRFSS database was stored in CSV format on a hard drive. Analysis of the data determined there was a lack of medical care in Alabama
  • Data Transfer

    Data Transfer
    During an expansion, a new location received funding to use an SQL database. The data was transferred onto a flash drive, delivered and immediately imported.
  • New Analyst Hired

    New Analyst Hired
    A new data analyst was hired at Heart Matters the Alabama location. They were asked to review the master data set. They discoved the following :
    -CSV file contained characters there were unreadable
    -Some rows of data didn't import properly
    -Data Loss
    -Quantity did not match the original CSV