
By Dancbw0
  • Data Collection

    The data stored are integers that refer to a codebook that explains the meaning of each integer used in the dataset. The potential for their not being sufficient data is not high in this instance since it is a government agency that interviews 400,000 patients a year. If it was insufficient it would be a matter of targeting the needed audience and carrying out interviews.
  • Creation of Hard Drive

    Data was retrieved from BRFSS. It was then stored in CSV format on a secure hard drive The BRFSS is the CDC's data that lists out Behavioral Risk Factors, Chronic Health Conditions, and the use of Preventive Services. They collect their data via interviews. https://www.cdc.gov/brfss/index.html
  • Drive Locked in Secure Storage

    Right after its creation, the hard drive was stored in a secure location
  • Initial Analysis

    First analysis of the data was carried out. It determined if a lack of medical care was a problem in Alabama and for what reasons
  • New Expansions

    New funding led to new offices being created
  • New Data Analyst

    A new data analyst for the AL location was instructed to review the Master Dataset to find the top three health concerns the new facility should focus on.
  • Discovery of Data Loss

    The new analyst from the AL location found that there were characters that were unrecognizable for SQL during the data importation into the new system. This was discovered due to the fact that the imported data into the SQL system was less than the original data set. The missing data needs to be identified and imported.
  • Data Validity

    After reviewing the people who have come into contact with this data, it is easy to see that it has not been many people and could be simple to find where the problem occurred. It normally keeps data valid by having a few people interact with it directly, but in this instance it may have been an issue of incorrectly handling the expansion and upgrades of the data system(s)
  • What Does the Data Look Like Now?

    Currently the data is still stored within the SQL database and the data type is all integers, so it does still require the use of the codebook to interpret the data. This will remain the process once the data loss issue is resolved. It will be managed closer so that this issue does not occur again. There does not need to be further changes. The only legal and ethical issues that could arise from this deal with HIPPA. Apart from that the data does not list confidential information.
  • SQL Database

    New funding allotted for the use of SQL Database. Were studies carried out to ensure that the data would be easily transferable, if at all, to the new SQL Database?
  • Data Transfer

    IT system administrator physically transferred data to a new location via being copied to a flash drive. Once on site of the new location, data was immediately imported into the new system. From my understanding there was no preparation done for the data to be imported and it was not checked once imported to ensure a proper transfer.