Darwins birth
Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire. -
The education
Darwin was one of the lucky young kids to get an eduction. He went to school at Shrewsbury, Unitarian minister. -
Darwins Bible
Darwin has questions about the bible because he doesnt know how evolution worked if one man created everything. The church was froning on darwin because of this. -
Darwins Voyage
Darwin got back from his voyage in 1836. In the voyage he dicover marine life on the tops of mountains. Proving something is changing. -
The paper
Darwin publishes a paper on the formation of mould. The first book to be published on this subject was published in 1881. -
Charles Father dies
Charles father , Robert warner ,deid on this day. Robert tried to make it to the funeral but showed up to late. -
A death of Darwins
Darwins daughter dies. Her name was Anne and this infleunced his work very much because it made him forget about the christian church. -
Alfred Wallace
You might wonder what Alfred Wallace has to do with Darwin. But alfred came out with about the same theory as Darwin, sent him an article to look over, and read. -
The book origin species is starting
Darwin started writing his called natural selection. This is when darwin starts to get older and needs to publish his book. -
Darwins tree
Darwin started the theory of the tree of life. Alot of people did not all agree with it because this was going against the church. -
Darwins new theory
Darwin comes up with the new theory of natural selection. Darwin was criticised for this theory along with all his other thoughts. -
Darwins book
Darwins book is called thye Origin of species. This book explains all the theories of darwin in it. -
The 2nd
The second edition of origin of species is published. In this selection, foreign editions are featured in this part. -
Darwins death
At the age of seventy three Charles darwin died. But before he died he changed sceince in many ways but maily in the way of evolution.