charels sets out!
1831 charles darwin sets out on the HMS beagle voyage. -
cape verde islands
charels made some of his first observarions -
darwin crosses the equator
darwin crossed the equator and also shaved. -
darwin goes to salvador, brazil
he loves the green vegitation -
darwin goes to punta alta, argentina
darwin is fasinated by the large fossils he sees -
teirra del fuego, argentina
darwin and captain encounter natives and captain fails drastically at trying to make a christian mission. -
darwin visits the falkland islands
darwin finds fossils on the barren islands -
darwin visits rio negro islands
darwin explores land -
darwin goes to chiloe islands, chile
darwin saw and earthquake -
galapagos islands
darwin finds many fasinating species -
darwin goes to sydney austailia
darwin marvels at marcupials and mammals hes never seen -
darwin explores cocos island
darwin studies coral reefs -
darwin goes to mauritius
darwin explores coastlines -
darwin explores cape town, south africa
he is fasinated by the culture there