Darwins Observations
Charles Darwin embarks on the HMS beagle voyage ship as the captains assistant -
Darwins Observations
Darwin is exhilarated by his first observations " it ifrst the dawned on me that i might perhaps write a book on the geology of the various countries visited " -
Darwins Observations
Crossing the equator, " we have crossed the equator, and i have undergone the disagreeable operation of being shaved " -
Darwins Observations
Salvador Brazil. Experiences Brazilian rain forests for the first time.
" Here i first saw a tropical rain forest for the first time, i never experienced such intense delight. " -
Darwins Observations
Punta Alta, Argentina. Darwin is intrigued by the fossils he sees. " I have been wonderfully lucky with fossil bones. Some of these animals must have been of great dimension! i am almost sure that many of them are quite new " -
Darwins Observations
Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Captain Robert FitzRoy repatriates 3 Native people he had brought to England on a previous voyage.He attempts to start a christian mission be fails disastrously. -
Darwins Observations
Falkland Islands. Darwin finds the barren. -
Darwins Observations
Rio negro, Argentina.
Darwin explores the fertile lowland areas, known as pampas, with the local people of gauchos -
Darwins Observations
Chiloe islands, Chile.
Darwin sees mountain Osorno erupt while on the island of Chiloe and experiences the earthquake in the woods near Valdivia. -
Period: to
Darwins Observations
Galapogos Islands.
Darwin find many many species of plants, bird and tortoises unique to the island but they seem related to the mainland species. -
Darwins Observations
Sydney, Australia
marveling at marsupials, Darwin wonders why there is a completely different set of mammals in Australia. -
Darwins Observations
Cocos island,
Darwin studies coral reefs growing around islands to test his theory of atoll formation -
Darwins Observations
Darwin walks along the sea coast to the north of town and observes the physical attributes. -
Darwins Observations
cape town, South Africa
Darwin describes the bullock wagons and the table mountain. -
Darwins Observations
Bahia and Pernambuco, South America.
Darwin discovers many creatures -
Darwins Observations
Falmouth, England.
The beagle ship reaches home.