Darwins Observation

  • Beagle Voyage

    Charles dawin, age 22, embarks on the HMS Beagle Voyage as the ship captains assistant
  • Beagle Voyage

    Charles Darwin reaches Salvador, Brazil
  • Beagle Voyage

    In Punta Alta, Argentina Charles Darwin is intrigued by the giant armadillo fossil
  • Beagle Voyage

    Darwin reaches the Falkland Island and finds the barren and finds some primitive looking rocks and fossils
  • Beagle Voyage

    Darwin is in Rio Negro, Argentina exploring the fertile lowland areas known as Pampas, with the local people or 'gauchos'.
  • Beagle Voyage

    Darwin see Mount Osorno erupt while on the island of Chiloe in Chile
  • Beagle Voyage

    In the Galapagos Island Darwin finds many species of plants, birds, and tortoise unique to the Galapagos Island
  • Beagle Voyage

    Darwin studies coral reefs growing around Cocos island to test his theory atoll information
  • Beagle Voyage

    In Bahia South America Darwin discovers many incredible creatures
  • Beagle Voyage

    Charles Darwin returns back home