Darwin desktop

Darwin's Life

By MiriamQ
  • Bugs!

    Darwin is enrolled in college and is fascinated by bugs.
  • Sea Voyage

    Darwin takes a voyage to South America to document creatures.
  • Papers

    Darwin starts writing and publishing papers on his theories.
  • Evolution Begins

    Darwin begins making his first theories on the mutation and evolution of animals.
  • Mold

    Darwin writes a paper on the evolution of mold.
  • Coming Out for Evolution

    Darwin finally starts telling others of his beliefs in evolution and transmutation.
  • Voyage Findings

    Darwin publishes his findings from the trip to South America.
  • "Origin of Species"

    Darwin's book on natural selection, "Origin of Species", is published. It sells out mostly on the first day.
  • His Own Word

    The term "Darwinism" became popular. It was first used in the Westminster Journal.
  • Copely Award

    Darwin is presented with the Copely award for science.
  • Death

    Darwin dies and is buried in Westminster Abbey.