Voyage of the Beagle
Charles Darwin, age 22, sets sail on HMS Beagle as Ship Captain's Assistant. The beginning of the voyage makes him very seasick. -
Cape Verde Islands
Darwin lands at Cape Verde Islands. He thought about writing a book on the Geology of the places he would visit. -
Crossing the Equator
In February they crossed the Equator and Darwin was shaved and showered. -
Salvador, Brazil.
Darwin Explored the Brazilian Rainforest. He was delighted at the different flora he observed -
Falkland Islands
Darwin finds the Falkland Islands "desolate and wretched." But he gets more excited when he find fossils of brachiopods. -
They land at Punta Alta, Argentina. Darwin is intrigued by the giant fossils he observed. -
Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina.
Captain Fitzroy, return three natives he had brought to England on a previous journey. He unsuccessfully tries to start a Christian Mission. -
Rio Negro, Argentina.
Darwin explores the area know as the Pampas and meets the Gauchos. -
Chiloe Islands, Chile
Darwin observes Mt. Orsorno erupt and feels the eathquake. -
Galapagos Islands
Darwin observes the unique species of animal on the Galapagos Island but thinks they are mysteriously related to mainland animals.He is fascinated by the tortoises so large he could ride them. He also observed Iguanas that swim in the ocean and eat seaweed, unlike any other iguanas. -
Sidney, Australia
Darwin lands in Sidney, Australia. He likes the town. He is intrigued by the marsupials and wonders why Australia has a different set of mammals than anywhere else. -
Cocos Islands
Here Darwin studies coral reefs to test his theory on how atolls are formed. -
He observes the plants growing out of black lava rocks along the seacoast. -
Cape Town, South Africa
Observes the Table Mountains which are a 3500 ft. high formation of Sandstone. -
Bahia and Pernambuco, South America
Darwin observes many incredible animals in the South American Jungles.The zig-zag movement of the ship to make longitude measurements makes him very seasick. He says he hates the sea and all ships which sail on it. -
Falmouth, England
Darwin finally returns home to England. He is delighted. He has just traveled around the world in a ship that was 90 feet long with about 74 people on board in cramped quarters. The journey was planned for two years but took almost 5 years to complete.