Portrait of charles darwin. wellcome m0010103 58da03dc5f9b584683ae151f


  • birth

    Born in Sherewsbury, UK
  • death of his mother

    death of his mother
    His mother dies, Susannah Wedgwood
  • Period: to

    jorney of the Beagle

    In 1831, when he was only 22 years old, the young naturalist Charles Darwin embarked on the Beagle, a ten-gun brig; its mission, a voyage of exploration around the world in which they had to complete the hydrography works of Patagonia and Fiere Land, besides making a series of chronometric measurements in different parts of the globe. On this trip he discovered the theory of evolution .
  • Voyage of the Beagle

    Voyage of the Beagle
    the journey of the Beagle begins in Plymouth Bay
  • his wedding

    his wedding
    Marries with his cousin Emma Wedgwood, in London
  • "Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle".

    "Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle".
    Publishes "Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle".
  • Mary Eleanor Darwin

    Mary Eleanor Darwin
    Mary elanor Darwin is born in England but of his ten children she had was the one who lived the least time because she died on October 16 of this same year
  • Joseph Dalton Hooke

    Joseph Dalton Hooke
    Darwin commented his speculations with the botanist Joseph Dalton Hooke
  • Robert Waring Darwin

    Robert Waring Darwin
    His father, Robert Waring Darwin, died in Shrewsbury,UK
  • Anne Elizabeth.

    Anne Elizabeth.
    The death of his daughter Anne Elizabeth in Worcestershire
  • alfred wallace

    alfred wallace
    Wallace attached a manuscript to be revised in which he defended evolution by natural selection. Darwin sent the manuscript to Lyell, showing his surprise at the extraordinary coincidence of his theories, and suggesting the publication of Wallace's article.
  • Darwin in Oxford University

    Darwin in Oxford University
    Famous debate in the Oxford University between the supporters and the detractors of the theory of Darwin
  • " The descent of man "

    " The descent  of  man "
    Publishes his book " The descent of man " in England
  • death
