Darwin approval

Charles Darwin

  • Charles Darwin is born

    Charles Darwin is born
    Cambridge University Library and Department for the History and Philosophy of Science. “Darwin Timeline.” Darwin Correspondence Project, University of Cambridge, 2020, www.darwinproject.ac.uk/learning-resources/timeline. Biography.com Editors. “Charles Darwin.” Biography, A&E Television Networks, 29 Mar. 2021, www.biography.com/scientist/charles-darwin.
  • HMS Beagle Voyage

    HMS Beagle Voyage
    Setting sail in 1831 with a recently graduated Charles Darwin to chart the coasts of South America, the HMS Beagle would be the vessel that Charles Darwin took on a whim breaking the expected mold for a recent college graduate. This would prove to be the opportunity of a lifetime. Ruse, Michael, and Michael Ruse. Charles Darwin, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2008. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/apus/detail.action?docID=428154.
  • Visit to the Galapagos Archipelago

    Visit to the Galapagos Archipelago
    In 1835 he would take notice of the subtle differences between the seemingly same animals. These differences would be the basis to his hypothesis for his future book "The Origin of the Species." Darwin identified that even many of the birds (in this case finches) and tortoises were seemingly identical, there were differences between them on different islands within the archipelago. He noted some of the selective mating habits of the species, noting that some females were rather "selective".
  • On the Origin of the Species published

    On the Origin of the Species published
    After receiving an essay from Alfred Russel Wallace in the summer of 1858 essentially echoing the same findings Darwin had 20 years earlier, Darwin rushed to write and publish "On the Origin of the Species" in the subsequent 15 months. Contrary to popular culture, Alfred Wallace is actually given co-credit in the discovery of natural selection.
  • The Descent of Man published

    The Descent of Man published
    In his book, "The Descent of Man", Darwin makes the leap and ties mankind to the animal kingdom going against the grain and stating that we are just a developed mammal no different than any other mammal in the animal kingdom. While he never made the claim man was descended from any particular primate, when the book was released cartoonists wasted no time insinuating the
  • Charles Darwin dies

    Charles Darwin dies
    Who was Charles Darwin Cambridge University Library and Department for the History and Philosophy of Science. “Darwin Timeline.” Darwin Correspondence Project, University of Cambridge, 2020, www.darwinproject.ac.uk/learning-resources/timeline.