May 28, 1265
Dante is born in Florence, Italy.
Dante's exact birth date is not exactly known. His birth date is believed to be around mid-May to mid-June on the 28th or 29th in 1265. -
Period: May 28, 1265 to Feb 1, 1321
Jan 26, 1272
Dante's mother dies
The exact date of her death is not known. -
Apr 16, 1275
Dante begins his education
Dante's education lasted for many years. Exact date is not known. -
Aug 7, 1282
Dante finishes his education
Exact date not known. -
Oct 5, 1283
Dante's father dies and Dante "marries" Gemma Donati
The exact date of his marriage is not known. -
Jun 11, 1289
The battle between the Guelphs and the Ghibellinis in which Dante fought with the Guelphs.
Jun 11, 1289
Dante becomes a member of the White Guelphs.
Dec 20, 1295
Dante joins the guild of apothecaries to enter the public life.
The exact date is not known. -
Nov 28, 1302
Dante is exiled for two years by the Black Guelphs
The exact date is not known. -
Sep 3, 1304
Dante begins writing The Convivio in 1304 and finishes in 1307.
The exact date is not known. -
May 12, 1306
Dante begins writing the Divine Comedy in 1306 and finishes until his death in 1321.
The exact date is not known. -
Sep 4, 1314
The first part of the Divine Comedy, the Inferno (in Italian means Hell) is published.
The exact date is not known. -
Feb 28, 1321
Dante dies of malaria.
The exact date is not known.