Feb 24, 1050
High Middle ages
High Middle ages began. -
Feb 24, 1050
Europe rose to great power with China equaling it in political, agriculural, and cultural flourishing. -
Feb 24, 1059
New reforming popes are at this time. Henry the second issue a decree on papal elections -
Feb 24, 1066
William the Conqueror invades England. He also asserts his rights to the English throne. He was both the king for England and Duke of Normady. -
Feb 24, 1071
Islam defeats Asia. -
Feb 24, 1073
Gregory VII creates a new concept of church. -
Feb 24, 1108
Jouis VI (first capetian king, florence) banishes the robber barons from France. -
Feb 24, 1155
New Book
Peter Lombard, writes the Book of Sentences. -
Feb 24, 1260
Several texts are translated from their original languages into Latin including the text of Aristotle. -
Feb 24, 1340
Groffrey Chaucer
Born in 1340, later wrote a book Canterburry Tales that starting the literary tradition