Daniel's Timeline

  • Class of 1936

    Class of 1936
    Jews were being stereotyped and they were being called many names. When Dan went to school his teacher would discriminate him and comment on what he thought about Jews. He measured Dan's head and said it was small because he had less brain then normal people.
  • 06 birthday

    06 birthday
    In Germany and many other countries a genocide had began. This causes Daniel and his family to question where they will live. Daniel's family has different opinions going around. There family has been in Germany for over 1,000 years.
  • new school

    new school
    Educational discrimination was more common now. The Jews were separated and dehumanized. Dan's father put him and his sister in a new school that was for Jews and Dan actually enjoyed it. He didn't quit understand what was happening and why it needed to happen.
  • I.D. card

    I.D. card
    The i.d. card that you have to carry with you at all times lets people know if you are a jew or not. You always need to carry them with you or you could be arrested.
  • Kristallnacht

    people looted and broke into stores
  • Rosa's dad is deported

    Rosa's dad is deported
    While Dan looks at a picture from his 16th birthday he remembers the date the Rosa's dad was imported on. A jewish council was raided in September and people from the council were deported in November. Since Nazis has the power to raid and deport people, it was a sign powerlessness for Jews. Nazis has all power and nothing was going to stop them, this is apart of a genocide.
  • First train Ride

    First train Ride
    The family is on a train leaving Germany.
  • Hidden radio

    Hidden radio
    Daniel is being transferred to a "work camp" and he pulls out pictures that he has hidden in his work boots. He explains that when he and his family got to the ghetto they found a place to hide the radio.
  • Rosa

    Daniel had a picture of Rosa and brought back the memories he had with her. As far as we know, she was a friend of Erika's who introduced herself to Dan's family and spoke German with a mix of Yiddish. That could mean she's from Poland. Also, she invited the family to a meeting. At this meeting they talked about the anger they had and hope. Hope was a very controversial topic then. They also talked about how de-humanized they were and how people justified that what the nazis were doing was okay
  • Sewing Factory

    Sewing Factory
    Erika and Rosa stand in front of the factory that they work at. They both make uniforms for the soldiers. People must work so they can live. If the people have no use then they are murdered.
  • closed ghetto

    closed ghetto
    The Nazis closed a part of the ghetto which caused good and bad things to happen. Rosa and the rest of her family needed to move but Friedrich came to live with Daniel and his family. This meant that they would be able to take care of him.
  • Erika is seen

    Erika is seen
    Dan was at a concentration camp called Birkenau. There he and his father are forced to do hard labor along with other jews and prisoners. As he and his father walk to the place that they will work, Dan spots Erika. He described her as empty, hollow, and “a skeleton”. They obviously weren’t being fed what a person needs to be nourished. Just enough to keep them alive.
  • Boxcar

    Dan was loaded onto a boxcar and is being sent off to what he thinks is a death camp. The Nazis sent people off as pleased because they could do so. They housed many people in horrible conditions but yet people discriminated against them based on how they lived.
  • Buchenwald

    Daniel is now in Buchenwald. To make money he takes pictures of German families. This seems to be a better job than he has had before but no matter where you go you see horrible things. An officer murdered a child by shooting him twice in the legs and then all over his body.
  • Dismantle

    They must dismantle everything that they build because of safety. Things have gone wrong before or have been sabotaged.
  • "It's over Daniel."

    "It's over Daniel."
    People have worked until they physically could not anymore meaning they were dead. After all of this time they were finally able to take over the camp. The flag means that it was a draw and a war was over. Even though this fight was far from over in real time, people felt a great relief.
  • Rested well, Joy

    Rested well, Joy
    Daniel was able to sleep without being disturbed by many things happening around him like before. He woke up with a better feeling, a feeling of joy and decided to give his rations to other people. They wanted to go back home to Frankfurt.
  • love

    It is late May. Peter passes away and there is sadness that stands waiting to be grieved. When Daniel finally arrives back to Lodz, he finds Rosa. She drops her book and runs to him. They hug each other and kiss as if they never knew the feeling. But, they haven't really. It was different, tragedy brought more ove out than they ever have. Daniel eventually drops down on his knees and proposes. She says “yes”. They will always have so much hurt to carry but love and happiness will overcome.