Daniel's Story

By Dani473
  • Daniel's Birthday

    Daniel's Birthday
    Daniel looks at a photo of him on his sixth birthday when most things were still calm and the Jewish didn't have to hide from the Nazis yet. His family and he were happy and he was smiling in the picture. They had food without having to worry about rationing it and saving it so they don't starve. They could laugh and argue all they want without having to worry because they were free then.
  • Fathers vandalised store

    Fathers vandalised store
    Daniel looks at the next picture he has and it is one of his father's store with writing on the window. The writing says Jew and people have wrote it there so others know not to shop at that store anymore because it is owned by a Jew.
  • Educational Discrimination

    Since Daniel was a Jewish boy in a public school that was filled with mostly germans, he faced a lot of educational discrimination. He was picked on by is teacher and friends. His teacher measured his head in front of the class. Kids used to bully him and beat him up too.
  • ID Cards and Ration Cards

    Jews had ID cards that were stamped with a "J" to identify them as a Jew. They had ration cards to be able to buy food and it limits the amount of food they could get. The Jewish also had to change their name to Sarah if they were a girl and Israel if they were a boy so that their names sounded Jewish.