
Paul Feyerabend (Jan. 13, 1924 - Feb. 11, 1994)

By CelinaM
  • Paul Feyerabend (Jan. 13, 1924 - Feb. 11, 1994)

    Paul Feyerabend (Jan. 13, 1924 - Feb. 11, 1994)
    Paul Feyerabend was a creative thinker. He became one of the most famous and influential philosophers of science who believed that “anything goes in science,” no one should be following a strict rubric or system. In 1948, Feyerabend met Karl Popper, he respected his works and how he thought about science, but he disagreed that that’s not how science should be.
  • Paul Feyerabend (Jan. 13, 1924 - Feb. 11, 1994)

    Paul Feyerabend (Jan. 13, 1924 - Feb. 11, 1994)
    Science should not be about following a scientific method; it should be about free thinking without any limitations and thinking outside of the box. A great example would be the Law of Gravity. In the 1960s, Feyerabend came up with the idea of Relativism, which is the “the solution to the problems of conflicting beliefs and of conflicting ways of life.”
  • Paul Feyerabend (Jan. 13, 1924 - Feb. 11, 1994)

    Paul Feyerabend (Jan. 13, 1924 - Feb. 11, 1994)
    In 1970, Feyerabend and Imre Lakatos discussed about writing an argumentation on their different views of how science should be taken up but the sudden death of Lakatos occurred and the book was never finished.
  • Paul Feyerabend (Jan. 13, 1924 - Feb. 11, 1994)

    Paul Feyerabend (Jan. 13, 1924 - Feb. 11, 1994)
    Paul Feyerabend wanted to make valuable “that education should not reiterate or reinforce the dominant beliefs and convictions of society—specifically of its dominant social and political groups—but should instead challenge and engage with them.” In conclusion, Feyerabend has changed the scientific process to more of a free range of creative thinking.