Content ans Consciousness
Daniel Dennett's first book, considered to be a groundbreaking exploration of the structure of consciousness and how it formulates modes of behavior throught time. The work covers many topics on cognition that laid the groundwork for modern cognitive neuroscience that inform the field's views on reasoning, imagery, and language. A unique work, in that Dennett formulates a cognitive model for scientists using his philosophical training. (Dennett, 1969) -
Period: to
March 28, 1942 - Present
Daniel Clement Dennett III, is an American philosopher and academician whose work has been mostly within the field of cognitive science, with a strong professorial history, working with the University California, Irvine, Tuffts University, and the Massachusettes Institute of Technology. -
Consciousness Explained
Consciousness Explained is a 1991 book written to expound on Dennett's earlier, groundbreaking work on the nature of consciousness. In this work, Dennett explores in greater depth the interlocking structures of the brain which compute data at rapid speeds and all at once to produce what we know to be consciousness. This book posits, among many things, the "multipl-drafts" theory of consciousness, one of the current leading theories with much evidence to support its validity (Dennett, 1991). -
Freedom Evolves
Freedom Evolves is a 2003 book from Dennett that explores the evolutionary emergence of concepts like freedom and will in human beings. Dennett regarded this book as a culmination of his life-long work on the nature of consciousness. In the book, Dennett posits both the conditions that give rise to freedom and will, as well as their proper embodiment in accordance with the laws of biology that govern the nature of the entire biosphere of the planet. A critically acclaimed piece (Dennett, 2003). -
Daniel Dennett Explains Consciousness and Free Will | Big Think
This is video provided by the organization Big Think, featuring philosopher Daniel Dennett explaining the nature of consciousness and free will: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-Nj_rEqkyQ