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Daniel Dennett

  • Intentional Systems Theory

    Intentional systems theory (IST) is the analysis of mental terms such as “belief, desire, expect, decide, and Intend” (Dennett 1971). These terms are used to describe the behavior of ourselves and other things. This is used in tandem with the physical and design method to understand the intentionality of a particular entity.
  • Consciousness Explained

    in Consciousness Explained Dennet denies the existence of consciousness. He claims that our brains operate on a few details about the world, and this is why we even function at all.
  • Freedom Evolves

    Dennett takes the stance that free will is the ability to make decisions, while still being held to a pre-determinate track based on evolution. This is a turn from physics to evolution because we are freer than our parts. It is through an arms race of adaptive avoidance based system, that free will has emerged. This is due to the fact that in order to avoid an entity has to anticipate danger, in doing so allows the creature to make decisions.
  • Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon

    Dennett discusses the taboo of using scientific analysis on religion in order to understand why we have it, and why it is evolutionarily important. This is quite profound in the field of Philosophy of Science to understand why and what things are culturally taboo.