Daniel Dennett was born on March 28, 1942 in Boston, MA. In 1959 he graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy and in 1963 received his Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy at Harvard University. In 1965 he received his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Oxford. Daniel Dennett is a cognitive scientist and his research focuses on philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, and philosophy of biology, specifically how those fields relate to evolutionary biology and cognitive science. -
Content and Consciousness
In this book Dennett endeavors to defuse the mind-body issue. This issue was that of explaining how the mind and the physical body interface with one another. In Content and Consciousness Dennett sets out a structure for contemplating the connection of the mind to the brain that he is proceeding to create right up 'til today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSkfHDdZZ3o&t=188s -
Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting
In "Elbow Room," Dennett indicates how the traditional plans of the issue in philosophy rely upon misuses of creative mind, and he unravels the philosophical issues of real interest from the group of anxieties' they get enmeshed in fanciful specialists, bogeymen, and desperate prospects that appear to compromise our opportunity. Placing sociobiology in its legitimate spot, he infers that we can have through and through freedom and science as well. -
Consciousness Explained
In this book he presents the theory of consciousness and the "multiple drafts" model. In the multiple drafts model consciousness is certainly not a unitary procedure but instead an appropriated one. Consecutive planning of occasions separates at small time scales inside the brain, and the occasions that make up cognizance can't be requested. In short there is no focal spot in the brain/mind where everything is exhibited and choices are made. -
Cog Robot
Daniel Dennet worked with Massachusetts Institute of Technology team to construct an intelligent robot called Cog. Cog reacted to what people would consider proper and socially remarkable ecological improvements, the robot was relied upon to act progressively human. This conduct additionally gave the robot a superior setting for translating and impersonating human conduct. This was expected to enable the robot to adapt socially, as people do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbZ9_rUZZMA&t=41s -
Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life
This book exhibits the intensity of the hypothesis of characteristic determination and shows how Darwin's extraordinary thought changes and enlightens our customary perspective on our place known to mankind. Following Darwinian deduction to its obvious end results is an unsafe business, with traps for everyone. Dennett clarifies the logical hypothesis of regular choice in striking terms, and shows how it reaches out a long ways past science. -
Kinds of Minds
He investigates how the human mind appeared. How does the mind work? Would we be able to know another's mind? Could a female comprehend what it is like to be a male (and the other way around)? How are nonhuman minds? Could a robot ever be "cognizant"? Logician that he is, Dennett persistently brings up and refines his issues about these and different subjects, endeavoring to prod us closer to comprehension. -
Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon
Dennett contends that the time has arrived to reveal the insight of science on the major inquiries of faith. In a lively story that reaches broadly through history, reasoning, and psychology, Dennett investigates how organized religion advanced from society convictions and why it is such a strong power today. Deftly and clearly, he fights that the" faith in conviction" has misted any endeavor to objectively think about the presence of God and the connection among heavenliness and human need. -
Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking
Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking offers seventy-seven of Dennett's best" creative mind extenders and center holders" intended to direct you through a portion of life's most tricky topic: development, which means, mind, and free will. With tolerance and mind, Dennett deftly conveys his deduction devices to pick up footing on these prickly issues while offering readers understanding into how and why each tool was manufactured.