Danica's US History Timeline

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus lands in the "New World"

    Columbus lands in the "New World"
    Columbus and his crew land on an isand in the Bahamas. They were sent by Spain to find gold and spices. They name the island San Salvador and claim it for Spain.
  • Nov 12, 1492

    The Spanish Empire

    The Spanish Empire
    The Spainiards wanted gold and spices. They conquered the Americas and destroyed the great civilizations that were built there. They enslaved and killed the native population.They also started a trade route called the Columbian exchange, an exchange of goods and diseases between Europe and the Americas that still exists today.
  • Nov 12, 1534

    New France

    New France
    French explorer Jacques Cartier claims land for France and sets up a settlement.The French were very interested in the fur trade and became buisness partners with the Huron indians. They got fur in exchange for protecting the Huron against their enemies the Iroquois.
  • Roanoke: The Lost Colony

    Roanoke: The Lost Colony
    In 1587, Sir Walter Raleigh sailed back to England to get supplies for the settlers of the colony of Roanoke. While in England, his voyage was delayed by three years. When he finally returned,the population of the colony had vanished, leaving nothing but the word CROATOAN carved in to wood. No one has been abe to solve the mystery.
  • Jamestown: The First English Colony

    Jamestown: The First English Colony
    John Cabot claimed land for England in the New World. 20 years later, Jamestown was settled. They were unprepared for their new life, and went through a Starving Time. The Indians didn't get along with the English, but with the help of Pocahontas, they improved their relaitionship.
  • New Netherland

    New Netherland
    Henry Hudson claims land along the Hudson River for The Netherlands. The Dutch created a partnership with the Iroquois to gain wealth and furs. Their settlement didn't last long, they surrendered to the English, who renamed the settlement New York.
  • Connecticut becomes a colony

    Connecticut becomes a colony
    Thomas Hooker founds the colony of Connecticut. The colony has the first wriiten constitution of any of the 13 colonies.
  • The English take over New Amsterdam

    The English take over New Amsterdam
    In 1664, the Duke of York was given ownership of all Dutch lands in America-if he could conquer them. Peter Stuyvesant refused to be driven out by the English, but after it was reported that they had no gun powder, the Dutch were forced to surrender. The English took over the colony and named it New York.
  • Claiming Louisiana

    Claiming Louisiana
    Robert de la Salle plants the French flag at the mouth of the great Mississipi river. He claims the land and everything west of the river for france, and names the area Louisiana, after Louis XIV, the french king.
  • The Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763
    This proclamation was to keep peace between the settlers and the Native Americans after the French/Indian War. It stated that colonists could not settle anywhere west of the Appalachian mountains. The colonists did not like this idea, and called King George III a tyrant. Also, colonists continued to settle west of the Appalachians depiste the proclamation.
  • THe Stamp Act

    THe Stamp Act
    After losing so much money in the French/Indian war, the British decided to tax the colonists. They placed a "Stamp Tax" on every piece of paper used, enraging the colonists. They protested using slogans such as "No taxation without representation!" After months of protesting and violence, the act was repealed.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    7500 British soldiers were sent to the colonies to keep peace and to keep settlers from diobeying the Proclamation of 1763. The British Government passed the Quartering Act, which stated that colonists had to provide soldiers with housing, candles, firing, bedding, cooking utensils, salt, vinegar, and beer. This cost lots oof money to do and angered the colonists.
  • The Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts
    Charles Townshend, or "Champagne Charlie" decided to tax the colonists even more by putting a tax on certain goods imported from Britain. The colonists decided to boycott British goods by refusing to buy them and making their own supplies. The Act was eventually repealed after the British started losing money.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    Americans decided to boycott British tea, so The British East India Company was in danger of going broke. Lord North decided to sell the tea at an extremely low price, meaning all colonists bought the British tea. Angered by this, a group of patriots snuck onto three cargo ships dressed as Mowhawk Indians and dumped the tea overboard. This became known as the "Boston Tea Party"
  • The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts
    The British passed a set of laws that the colonists thought were "intolerable". In response, the colonies began to unite. There were still loyalists who believed that the Boston Tea Party had been taking things to far and blamed the patriots for the troubles. In September, leaders from the 12 colonies met in Philadeplhia which was called "The First Continental Congress"
  • THe Siege of Boston

    THe Siege of Boston
    On March 4, the Continenntal Army took canons and surrounded the city of Boston, causing the British and some Loyalists to flee to Canada. THis proved the that Continental Army could defeat the British.
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress
    This was when Congress met up for the second time in Philedalphia. They decided on the man who would lead the Continental Army. They chose George Washington.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The British attacked colonial forts on Bunker Hill, thinking it would be an easy victory. Instead, they were beaten back 3 times before finally seizing the forts. But this came at the cost of 1000 men's lives for the BRitish. This proved the strength of the Continental Army.
  • The Olive Branch Petition

    The Olive Branch Petition
    The Congress sends a letter of peace to King George III. KIng George responds by calling them all traitors and that if the Continental Army loses the war, they will all be hanged.
  • The Signing of the Declaration of Independence

    The Signing of the Declaration of Independence
    Thomas Jefferson drafts the Declaration of Independence, a formal declaration of freedom from Britain. On July 4th, delegates signed the declaration, knowing that if they lost the war, they would all be hanged.
  • Battle for New York

    Battle for New York
    The British and Americans fought at Brooklyn, New York. TheContinental Army still wasn''t properly trained, and suffereed a loss to the British. The BRitish lost 300 men, while the Americans lost 1400.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    George Washington boosted his men's morale and persuaded them to launch an ambush attack on the British. Drunk and sleepy, the British didn't notice the colonists crossing the delaware in boats. It was a great victory for the Colonists.
  • The Battle of Saratoga

    The Battle of Saratoga
    The Battle of Saratoga occurred when the British and Americans fought. The British were outnumbered, but still decided to attack. After a fierce battle, the British admitted defeat. This proved that the Americans could defeat the British, and other countries started supporting them.
  • Ratification of the Articles of Confederation

    Ratification of the Articles of Confederation
    This document was the US's first constitution. It was adopted on November 15th, 1777. But there were disputes over voting, borders, representation, and the new lands claimed by different states. The ratification was delayed for these reasons.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown
    This was the final battle between The British and the Americans. After tiring out Corwallis' troops and using hit and run tactics to gain an advantage, the British were finally defeated when they were surrounded at Yorktown. French warships blocked off the only escape route. The British were defeated and the Americans were free.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    This treaty meant that: Britain had to accept the United States as an independent nation and that Britain would have to give up all lands between Canada and South Florida., from the Atlantic Coast to the Mississippi River. The colonists agreed to return the rights and properties taken from Loyalists during the war.This treaty was signed in Paris by both sides.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    After the war ended, and the Articles of Confederation were created, there was a huge money shortage in the US. Citizens were being put in jail becaus ethey couldn't pay back their loans and had their property taken away. This caused a rebellion were govvernment buildings, courthouses, and aresenals were burned down.
  • Constitutional Congress

    Constitutional Congress
    The was a convention held by Congress, where the Articles of Confederation was trashed and a new constitution was created, one that focused more on national government rather than state government. The convention was done in secret, but James MAdison, often called the "Father of the Constitution", took many notes.
  • Ratification of the US Constitution

    Ratification of the US Constitution
    The US Constitution was ratified on June 21st, 1778. It focuses on a strong national governement led by 3 branches. The 3 branches are the Legislative Branch, The Executive Branch, and the Judicial Branch. It was later ammended after states asked about certain rights and liberties. These changes are called the Amendments.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    The Lousiana Purchase occured when The United States bought a huge amount of land from the French. The US bought the land for 15 million dollars. Napoleon said he was afraid he would lose it during a war, so he might as well get money out of it.
  • Spain gives Florida to the US

    Spain gives Florida to the US
    Florida was originally a Spanish territory. But the US wanted to add it to the country, so Andrew Jackson and an army of 1700 invaded it. Spain wanted Jackson to be punished with illegal invasion, but they were afraid of starting a war. They gave Florida to the Americans and focused on South America.
  • Missouri Applies for statehood: Northerners

    Missouri Applies for statehood: Northerners
    Missouri applied for statehood as a Slave state. This upset Northerners because most of Missouri was abve the Ohio River, the border between Slave and Free states. They were also worried that if they allowed slavery in Missouri, slavery would spread through the entire west of the United States.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    President Andrew Jackson created an act that forced all Native Americans across the Mississppi. Some tribes went willingly, while others, like the sac and Fox tribe, resisted. Unfortunately, they were no match for the US Army and were either killed or forced to move.
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears
    The "Trail of Tears" was the perilous journey 17000 Cherokee took when they were forced from their native lands by the US Government. 4000 Cherokee died along the way, which is why it is called the "Trail of Tears"
  • Texas is Annexed

    Texas is Annexed
    Most Texans were Americans who wanted to become part of the US. Despite this, Texas remained independent for 10 years. Southerners were hoping for another pro-slavery state, while Northerners opposed it. Many people were worried it would lead to a war with Mexico. But the President wanted to claim Texas, and congress voted to annex it.
  • War with Mexico

    War with Mexico
    Mexicans shot at Americans, and Congress decided to declare war against Mexico. During the war, Mexico lost a lot of men, and they ceded California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah and Colorado to the US. In exchange, the US paid them 15 million dollars and promised to protect the 80,000 mexicans living in Texas. The two nations created the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and the Rio Grande became the border between the two countries. The US now stretched "from sea to shining sea"
  • The Oregon Treaty

    The Oregon Treaty
    After Polk was elected, he intended to keep his promise and take all of Oregon Country for the US. But he didn't want to risk war with Britain. So he agreed to a treaty that divided Oregon at the 49th parallel. Britain got the part that is now in Canada. The Senate ratified this treaty by a vote of 41 to 14.
  • The Fugitive Slave law: Southerners

    The Fugitive Slave law: Southerners
    The fugitive slave law stated that slave owners could now go to the north and bring back their escaped slaves. The Southerners still weren't happy, because they said that the law didn't do enough to ensure the return of their "property".
  • John Brown's Raid: Southerners

    John Brown's Raid: Southerners
    John Brown was a radical abolishnist who hated slavery so much taht he attempted to lead a slave rebellion in the south. He attacked an aresenal, hoping to arm the slaves. He was relying on slaves to rise up and help him, but none did. He was captured and executed, but he still scared southerners. They feared that the slaves would rie up and attack them.
  • Abraham Lincoln is elected president: Southerners

    Abraham Lincoln is elected president: Southerners
    Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860. His win angered Southerners, because Lincoln was strongly againts slavery, and would most likely abolish it. They also realized that they were being treated as a minority. Shortly after Lincoln became president, South Carolina seceded, and most of the southern states followed South Carolina's lead.
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    The Civil War was a battle that took place between the North and the South of the United States. It was started when 11 southern states seceeded because of the argument over slavery and representation in the Congress. After many bloody battles, including the famous Battle of Gettysburg, the south (the Confederacy) surrendred to the north (The Union). The south became part of the US again, and slavery was abolised.