Dance wallpapers 340

Dancing and social media

  • Emergence of Ballet

    Emergence of Ballet
    First ballet academy created by Louis XIV.
    Ballet is an art defined by specific foundation and structure and has been passed on since then and remains a prevalent art.
  • Hip hop styles created

    Hip hop styles created
  • Hip hop hits the media

    Hip hop hits the media
    Hip hop tv show Soul Train, and movies "Breakin", "Wildstyle", "Beat Street" emerged. First media exposure for hip hop culture.
    However, because hip hop is a street style and does not possess specific structure, media exerted pressure and molded the art form.
  • You Got Served Movie Release

    You Got Served Movie Release
  • Facebook

  • Youtube

  • Hip hop & social media today

    Hip hop & social media today
    Hip hop faces pressure from social media platforms including Facebook & Youtube. Hip hop, some people say, has become a commoditized package and is losing its essence as an art.