
Ballet Russe De Monte-Carlo

  • The beginning

    The beginning
    1931 is when the resurrection began. Wasily de Basil and Rene Blum started their new company called Ballet Russe de Monte-Carlo ,where George Balanchine, the former choreographer for Diaghilev’s Ballet Russe, became the Dance Master and principle choreographer.
  • Baby Ballerinas

    Baby Ballerinas
    Balanchine wanted very young dancers the star in his ballets so at the age of 12-13 years old and with each girl having a different style they where strongest in , all 4 girls became known as the “baby ballerinas" of the company.
  • Center Stage

    Center Stage
    After their first performance in 1932 critics said “Ballet Russe de Monte-Carlo was the authentic air to Diaghilev’s Ballet Russe.”
    Choreographers from Diaghilev’s Ballet Russe returned to work with Basil and Blum.
  • Sorry Balachine

    Sorry Balachine
    After the first season, Basil and Blum replaced Balanchine with Leonide Massine. Then in 1933 started the Massine Era of ballet at the Ballet Russe de Monte-Carlo (in London).
  • Going Viral

    Going Viral
    In 1934 Ballet Russse de Monte-Carlo travels to America where Sol Hurok (an impresario) booked their first American Tour for ballet. In the United States Sol Hurok was the most powerful theatrical promoter.In 1935 they had performed for 3 million people after America claimed they did not enjoy watching ballet. Then Massine began to hire American dancers, but made their names sound Russian so that they would fit in and plus it was easier for him to pronounce.
  • Bad Ending But A New Beginning

    Bad Ending But A New Beginning
    Blum and Basil didn't see eye to eye so Blum left the company. When Blum left, Basil’s ego was terrible to Massine and he soon left the company to start his own. A war began over everything with the Ballet Russe de Monte-Carlo,legal fights over the company name and choreography. Massine won the rights to the company name, Ballet Russe de Monte-Carlo so Basil renamed his company The Original Ballet Russe. The each fought over dancers, making dancers take the side of one or the other.
  • And It Begins

    And It Begins
    In 1938, in London, Massine has lost all the rights to his choreography and found himself having to create 3 new enormous ballets with dancers that had to choice to be in his company. Basil had trouble with Massine's choreographer, so he hired David Lichine. Lichine and Massine became rivals, and stole from each other.Both companies started their season in London, performing blocks from each other. The public love each company, go from one show to another.
  • Just When Everything Was Good

    Just When Everything Was Good
    Hurok chose Massine’s Ballet Russe de Monte-Carlo to do another American tour. At the same time Basil took his company to Australia for 7 months and filled the theaters. By 1939 both companies were back in London. September 3, 1939 War was declared. Britain and France declare war on Germany in World War II. Panic struck and most Russians did not have the right papers to leave the country. They were able to get on a boat headed to American. Both companies traveled on this boat.
  • And The War Starts

    And The War Starts
    Since the war began the company have went months of no rehearsals or ballet class and Massine has Ballet Russe de Monte-Carlo perform the evening they arrived in American. Sol Hurok decided to take on the responsibly of providing work for both stranded companies. They spent 9 months touring by train to small towns that had never seen ballet before.
  • Where time goes

    Where time goes
    Tour after tour, for 2 years both companies continued to work, but Horok and Basil,The Original Ballet Russe, started having issues. In 1941 Hurok said Basil was one of the hardest people to work with. Not being able to return to London yet the company was without work.Although the Original Ballet Russe were able to find work, the repercussions of the war were effecting this country as well. The company was tired and very poor and food was scarce.
  • Back to London

    Back to London
    Finally they went back to London. Hurok and Basil started talking again to arrange for the company to return to America. Yet, the company was exhausted and not ready for the demands of touring again. It was a disaster. Hurok once again abandoned the company and the dancers begin to leave for better opportunities. In return, Basil hired new dancers, not as qualified or technically proficient, leaving the company in worse shape. Nov 1948 was the company’s last performance.
  • The Come Back

    The Come Back
    Ballet Russe de Monte-Carlo has a very different experience during the war-time years. They were the toast of the town in Hollywood where they crossed over into dance for film. Massine loved the money and attention and started producing flops. Ballet Russes took a chance and hired and American choreographer, Agnes de Mille.This was the beginning of “true American ballet."