• 1400

    Clasic Dance

    Clasic Dance
    This is the first tipe of dance that was created. It is not in the "normal dance" because is so different, so it was so antique
  • House

    This is a really strange dance. It was created before the street dances, but now is a street dance
  • New style

    New style
    This dance consits in mixing all the other ones and do a free dance.
  • Locking

    Is a dance style that is really amazing. Is to move ypur body quickly and you move your arms to. I prefer the hip-hop but this I like it to
  • Breaking

    It is a dance that I really don't like but is so important on the streets at the hour of dance.
  • Period: to


    The dance is an sporta that you need to much concentratio. Ther are competitions at mundial level and they are so amazing. When we talk about dance, is the street dance, so the classic dance is not this concept
  • Poping

    This is the type of dance, that I really love. It consist to dance like you are a robot and it is really amazing
  • New Style

    New Style
    This is the dance that has more hype at the time to dance it.