Damaging Tsunamis Timeline

  • Lisbon Earthquake (Portugal)

    Lisbon Earthquake (Portugal)
    This earthquake had a magnitude of 9 and killed 20,000 people. 85% of the town's buildings were destroyed and the biggest effect was the detrimental fires that sparked.
  • Krakatoa Earthquake (Java/Samatra)

    Krakatoa Earthquake (Java/Samatra)
    The magnitude of this earthquake was a VEI of 6 and it killed 36,000 people. A volcano erupted and the explosion erupted and the explosion fired up hot ash 50 miles into the air.
  • Aleutian Earthquake (Alaska)

    Aleutian Earthquake (Alaska)
    This earthquake had a magnitude of 8.1 and a death toll of 160,000. It caused 26 million dollars in damage
  • Great Chilean Earthquake (Chile)

    Great Chilean Earthquake (Chile)
    The magnitude of this quake was 9.5 and the death toll was 61,000 people. This earthquake left 2 million homeless and it was also the most powerful earthquake recorded on Earth's history.
  • Good Friday Earthquake (Alaska)

    Good Friday Earthquake (Alaska)
    This earthquake had a magnitude of 9.2 and a death toll of 130,000. This was the largest ever recorded earthquake in North America. It was caused by an underwater landslide that washed away the waterfront area of Valdez.
  • Hokkaido Earthquake (Japan)

    Hokkaido Earthquake (Japan)
    The magnitude of this earthquake is 7.8 and the death toll is 120,000.It was the fastest developing earthquake, it occurred in 2-5 minutes
  • Papa New Guinea Earthquake (Papa New Guinea)

    Papa New Guinea Earthquake (Papa New Guinea)
    This earthquake had a magnitude of 7.1 and a death toll of 2,100. !00,000 people live within a 100km radius of the epicenter making the death toll multiply. There were several aftershocks that caused the lives effected increase even more.
  • Sumatra Earthquake (Indonesia)

    Sumatra Earthquake (Indonesia)
    This earthquake had a magnitude of 8.1 and a death toll of 230,000. It had an energy release equivalent to 23,000 Hiroshima type atomic bombs and it struck out to 150 miles from the coast.
  • Samoa Earthquake (Samoan Islands)

    Samoa Earthquake (Samoan Islands)
    The magnitude of this earthquake was 8.1 and the death toll was 200. This quake called a tsunami that was the largest wave recorded on this coast. It struck miles out so far it hit a nearby US territory.
  • Chile Earthquake (Chile)

    Chile Earthquake (Chile)
    The earthquake had a magnitude of 8.8 and a death toll of 700. The economic damage was $500 million and it triggered a massive tsunami that raced down the pacific.
  • Tohoku Earthquake (Japan)

    Tohoku Earthquake (Japan)
    This earthquake had a magnitude of 9.1 and a death toll of 20,000. It was the most powerful earthquake to hit Japan since 1900 and people reported that they felt shaking for 5 minutes.
  • Sulawesi Earthquake (Indonesia)

    Sulawesi Earthquake (Indonesia)
    This earthquake had a magnitude of 7.5 and a death toll of 4,340. It displaced 170,000 people and it caused an economic loss of 1.3 billion dollars.