
Damaging Tsunamis - Sophia Grausso

  • Lisbon Earthquake - Portugal

    Lisbon Earthquake - Portugal
    The magnitude of the earthquake was 9.0 and the death toll was 20,000. Waves reached heights of 23ft and it took place on All Saints Day, meaning most people were in church.
  • Krakatoa Eruption - Java/Sumatra

    Krakatoa Eruption - Java/Sumatra
    This had a magnitude of 6 on the VEI and caused 36,000 deaths. The eruption destroyed 165 villages and the wave was more than 115ft high.
  • Aleutian Earthquake - Alaska

    Aleutian Earthquake - Alaska
    The magnitude was 8.1 and the death toll was 160. It produced a tsunami in the Hawaiian islands and caused $26 million in damages.
  • Great Chilean Earthquake - Chile

    Great Chilean Earthquake - Chile
    It had a magnitude of 9.5 and the death toll was 61. The tsunami traveled for 15 hours across the Pacific Ocean and it hit the Hawaiian islands.
  • Good Friday Earthquake - Alaska

    Good Friday Earthquake - Alaska
    Its magnitude was 9.2 and the death toll was 130. It killed people in Alaska and California and the earthquake lasted 4.5 minutes.
  • Hokkaido Earthquake - Japan

    Hokkaido Earthquake - Japan
    The magnitude was 7.8 and the death toll was 120. Within 2-5 minutes, the wave engulfed the coastline and property losses were around $600 million.
  • Papua New Guinea Earthquake - Papua New Guinea

    Papua New Guinea Earthquake - Papua New Guinea
    The magnitude was 7.1 and the death toll was 2,100. The earthquake triggered a submarine landslide and it occurred on a reverse fault.
  • Sumatra Earthquake - Indonesia

    Sumatra Earthquake - Indonesia
    The magnitude was 9.1 and the death toll was 230,000. The epicenter was off the west coast of Northern Sumatra and the wave was more than 100ft high.
  • Samoa Earthquake - Samoan Islands

    Samoa Earthquake - Samoan Islands
    The magnitude was 8.1 and the death toll was 200. It was a submarine earthquake and the strongest earthquake in Samoa ever.
  • Chile Earthquake - Chile

    Chile Earthquake - Chile
    The magnitude was 8.8 and the death toll was 700. It killed people in coastal towns and caused a blackout for 93% of Chileans.
  • Tohoku Earthquake - Japan

    Tohoku Earthquake - Japan
    The magnitude was 9.1 and the death toll was 20,000. It was an undersea megathrust earthquake and it lasted 6 minutes.
  • Sulawesi Earthquake - Indonesia

    Sulawesi Earthquake - Indonesia
    The magnitude was 7.5 and the death toll was 4,340. There were 32 aftershocks and the tsunami was 16 feet.