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Daily bumps

  • Started Vloging

    Started Vloging
    The Family decided to start Vloging when Missy the mom started her own channel a couple years before then they loved vloging and soon became more and more popular and now there so much more popular and so amazing!

    In February of 2015 they found out there were having a second child and it was a boy and his name was going to be Finley!
  • Traveling!!!

    As a family Daily Bumps has traveled to many great places like London, Disney, San dingo, Los Vegas, Beach etc.
  • FRIENDS!!!!

    Daily bumps has some very special friends and they go on vacations every winter and summer they also all blog and they all live in different places sadly but see each other sometimes!

    After they had Finley they moved into a huge house in southern California and they love it so much!!
  • Crazy Silly Kids

    Crazy Silly Kids
    The Daily bumps crew has some crazy things happen sometimes ollie there 3 year old will be very sneaky sometimes like this one!
  • Noodle Tools

    Works Cited
    "Daily bumps." Daily Bumps, youtube.wikia.com/wiki/Daily_Bumps. Accessed 7 Dec. 2016.