Dahneaya Gregory

  • Missouri Comprimise

    Missouri Comprimise
    Missouri entered as a slave state, Maine entered as a free state, it also prohibited slavery north of the Louisiana Purchase.
  • Nullification

    Because of State's Rights, the south believed they could nullify any tax from the Federal Government.
  • Comprimise Of 1850

    Comprimise Of 1850
    States were evenly split and California, Utah, and New Mexico wanted to be states.
  • Kansas and Nebraska Act

    Kansas and Nebraska Act
    Kansas and Nebraska were given sovereignty, Kansas would be a slave state, and this led to a civil was in Kansas called "Bleeding Kansas".
  • Dread Scott Case

    Dread Scott Case
    He lived in several free states, filed a lawsuit claiming he should be a freeman, and the supreme court ruled that he couldnt sue because he was not a citizen and he was his owners property so he could not be taken away.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    Republican Party won so Abraham Lincoln was in office and because they thought Lincoln would not protect their state's rights, it caused the south to secede from the union creating the Confederate States Of America.