Dagostino Giver Timeline

  • Dagostino Giver vocabularry

    Dagostino Giver vocabularry
    Utopia: an ideal community or perfect society. With its beautiful beaches, oceans and warm temperatures, Hawaii would be the perfect Utopia. Antonyms: Jail, Ghetto
  • Dagostino Giver Vocabulary

    Dagostino Giver Vocabulary
    Conformity The act of following others or doing what others do in order to fit in with them. Conformity is very common in private schools since all students are required to wear uniforms and dress the same as one another. Antonyms - refusal, anarchy
  • Dagostino Giver Vocabulary

    Dagostino Giver Vocabulary
    Chastise To discipline or punish When my sister failed her test, my parents had to chastise her and take away her phone for a week. Antonyms - reward, praise
  • Dagostino Giver Vocabulary

    Dagostino Giver Vocabulary
    Recollection A memory of an event I have no recollection of my great-grandmother's 90th birthday party since I was only 2 years old at the time. Antonyms - lost, forgotten
  • Dagostino Giver Vocabulary

    Dagostino Giver Vocabulary
    Vast huge in size or extent; immense Our planet earth is vast in comparison to the moon. Antonyms - miniscule, small
  • Dagostino Giver Vocabulary

    Dagostino Giver Vocabulary
    Apprehensive Uneasy or fearful about something that might happen I was very apprehensive about going on the upside down roller coaster at Hershey Park. Antonyms - confident, peaceful