Antonie Philips van Leeuwenhoek Discovers Microorganisms
Anthony van Leeuwenhoek, a.k.a the "Father of Micrbiology", discovers the free-living and parasitic microscopic protists by examinating pond water. -
Edward Jenner Develops the First Vaccine
Edward Jenner created the first vaccine-- for smallpox. -
Louis Pasteur Discovers Germs
Louis Pasteur was asked to find out why tanks of fermenting beer were souring. Pasteur then used a microscope to analyze the beer samples and then found out that thousands of microorganisms were responsible for it. He intended to call these things, "germs". -
Ignaz Semmelweis Tells People, "WASH YOUR HANDS"!!!!
Iganz Semmelweis, a Hungarian doctor, orders doctors at hospitals to wash their hands because he thought that infections go from one person to another, but Ignaz never knew that germs were the problem. -
Robert Heinrich Herman Koch Finds Out the Reasons for Anthrax
Robert Koch discovers the reasons for anthrax, which is Bacillus anthracis.Koch discovered this by putting the anthrax bacteria spores under different conditions, either activating the spores or not. This discovery was a major key for public health. -
Dr. Elie Metchnikoff Discovers the Wonders of Our Immune System
Dr. Elie Metchnikoff discovered that our immune system is our greatest defense mechinism against bacteria. -
Paul Ehrlich Discovered Arsphenamine (Salvarsan)
Paul Ehrlich dicovered Arsphenamine, a contribution to chemotherapy (a form of cancer treatment). -
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The 1918 Flu Pandemic
From 1918-1920, the flu killed more than 20 million people worldwide, naming it one of the deadliest natural disasters ever. -
Alexander Fleming Discovers Penicillium
Alexander Fleming, a Scottish bacteriologist, dicovered Penicillium, a bacteria-killing mold.He was investigating staphylococcus, a type of bacteria that can cause serious infections in patients. Then, after an accidental spill, he discovered Penicillium.