Period: 100 to 500
100 CE to 500 CE
marcus aureelius begins his rule
Marcus aurelius was the last of the 5 good emporors and he spent most of his time putting down rebbelions and fighting off invation. -
diocletion rule ends
Diocletions rule came to an end. -
Constantine became roman emporor
Cponstantine became ruler when his small weak army won the war because before war in the sky he saw a symbol that said under this sighn you will conquer, so constantine put the symbol on his army shield and they became victorious.This made constantine the new roman empire constantine combined the east and west again and made the capitol constantinople meaning city of constantine he moved the capitol because of money. He got more money because of trade using the silk rode giving rome wealth. -
constantine rule comes to an end
Constantine dies and invadors attack empire. -
rome was invaded
rome could not hold off the invadors -
destruction and loot of rome
Rome is destroyed and looted by the invadors. -
rome is weak
Rome was left powerless with now power or money. -
rome falls
after looted and left powerless rome finaly falls but the east stayes strong. -
Marcus Aurelius rule comes to an end
Marcus chose his son commodus to follow him as emporor -
commoduse rule begins
Commoduse began the fall of the roman empire.Commodus allowed others to help him rule and spent much of the govorments money on chariot races and glatiator battles. when the goverment ran short on money commodus ordered death of the wealthy then took there money. -
commoduse is killed
Commoduse was assasinated on december 31 192 CE. -
Diocletion begins his rule
Diocletion split rome in the the east and the west. then asighned co emporors there were now 2 emporors in the east and 2 in the west. The west was ruled by Maximiam and diocletion ruled the east.Diocletion decided to rule the east because the easy had better trade and was more wealthy.