Ghost Army
Special Troops or the "Ghost Army" was the first Us Army mobile, Multimedia, tactical deception unit of about 1,100 men capable of simulating 30,000men they saved many lives.They used inflatable tanks and vehicles, fake radio traffic and phony generals led by Captain George Rebh. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_Army -
Period: to
D-Day Delayed
Due to bad weather D-Day was delayed 1 day. -
Normandy Landings
Over 150,000 American soldiers land on Omaha Beach, British soldiers land on Gold Beach, and Canadian and British forces land at Juno Beach https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/d-day-allies-invade-europe https://www.military-history.org/feature/d-day-timeline.htm -
Operation Perch
June 7-14 1944 The main point was to encircle and capture Caen. General Montgomery focused his forces to launch several operations to conquer the city of Caen. The allies did not win this war. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Perch -
Panzer Group
British Intelligence deciphered German signals traffic to find Panzer Groups west headquarters, The Second Tactical Air Force bombed the village. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3rd_Panzer_Army -
Operation Epsom
The Germans slowed the British advance due to lack of air support and artillary because of bad weather then turned into a tank battle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Epsom -
Liberation in Caen
British and Canadian Forces took over the city of Caen took 14 years to rebuild after the war https://normandy.memorial-caen.com/museum/d-day-landings-and-battle-normandy/battle-normandy -
Operation Luttich
was intended to break the allied offensive in normandy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhc0NkKwdqo -
Hill 262
The German Seventh Army was surrounded by allies The German army held the hill tell noon August 21 https://www.flickr.com/photos/ehbutler/6622358925 -
At the end of August 1944 the allies reached the Seline River and liberated Paris. They cleared the Germans out of northwestern France then they prepared to move into Germany https://american-dday-tours.com/2015/02/71th-anniversary-of-d-day-in-normandy-june-2015/1914 -