2nd Red Scare (Smith Act)
This made it an offense to advocate or belong to a group that advocated the violent overthrow of the government, which was later the basis of prosecutions towards members of the Communist and Socialist Workers parties. -
G.I Bill
This was to help U.S veterans returning home, so they could reintegrate themselves by providing education, rehabilitation, medical benefits, and made low interest mortgages available, which was signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt. -
Period: to
Modern times -
Atomic/Hydrogen Bomb (Little boy)
This was the first nuclear weapon used in war. It was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, which ended World war 2. -
Korean War (38th parallel established as a border)
After japan surrendered, land was taken and a line was established on the 38th parallel. Although later established 1948 as the border of North and South Korea. -
Iron Curtain
This was a physical barrier the soviets used to seal itself off from the West, or other countries who were non-communist. Although the term was only made popular by Churchill on March 5, 1946. -
Period: to
Cold War
Social Tensions rose between the United States of America and the Soviet Union. -
Berlin Airlift (Stalin closed border)
The soviets blockaded railroads, roads, and water access to areas in Berlin controlled by the Allies. Since it was split into four districts basically. So the U.S and the U.K decided to help by airdropping food and fuel. -
Fair deal
This was Truman's Domestic agenda, which consisted of aiding education, universal health insurance, fair employment practices, and also to repeal the Taft- Hartley Act from 1945-1953 -
Period: to
A new era of experimenting and learning. -
2nd red scare (McCarthyism)
During the second red scare people feared that communism was in the U.S. So people began making assumptions and accusations of people being communist without evidence. This sort of practice was made popular when McCarthy stated he had a list of 200 plus communist in the U.S. -
Korean War (North invades South Korea)
Stalin at first did not want to invade the south, out of fear that a war with U.S would start. But later changed his mind as he saw that the U.S did not prioritize South Korea. Things did not turn out that way though as the U.S sent soldiers to defend, pushing the assault back to the North, but the soviets pushed the U.S and S. Korea back to the 38th parallel. -
Period: to
The Korean War
Rock "n" Roll (Ike Turner)
Ike Turner was an African American Musician who made the first rock and roll song. Which was "Rocket 88" but it was ripped off by a white artist. -
Atomic/Hydrogen Bomb (Duck and Cover)
this was a series of methods used to protect a person in the U.S if the events of a nuclear attack fro the soviets occurred. It was some teaching that would make people drop down and cover themselves with anything to protect themselves. -
Period: to
Civil Rights
A time of racial injustices and tensions, that would bloom various methods of dealing with it. -
Rock "n" Roll (Bill Haley And the comets)
This group of musicians/ artist performed "Rock Around the Clock Tonight", which was the first song to make Rock and Roll popular. -
Brown V. Board of Education
This event happened whenever the parents of Linda Brown wanted her to go to school that was closer to their house. So, a lawyer known as Thurgood Marshall used his expert physiological skills that over turned the Plessy case, and allowed for integration. -
Beat Generation
These were a group of artists, novelists, and poets. Who rejected home ownership careers and even marriages. Not just that, but they rejected American materialism, and culture, also they were considered a prototype for hippies. -
Emmett Till Tragedy
Was sent to Mississippi to visit relatives, while there he takes on a bet to ask a white lady on a date. white people then found out and took him to mill to beat him up badly, then to river to make him strip, and attach barbed wired around him to make him sink. the only way he was identified was because of a ring his mother gave him. -
Television (News)
During the 1950's when TV became a household item, news began to be broadcast. So, because of this people saw the horrible things being done to African Americans. This helped further the events of Civil Rights at the time. -
Period: to
Vietnam War
Rosa Parks
She refused to obey the bus driver in giving up her seat to a white person. Later, this sparked up up Martin Luther's king up rise with the bus boycott. -
Rock "n" Roll (Elvis Presley)
During this year was when Elvis Presley rose to fame with his hit single "Heart break hotel". So, because of this he took the genre of rock and roll a step further. -
Space Race (Nikita Khrushchev)
He took Stalin's mantle after his death, while giving a speech of Stalin's crimes, later was a major player in the Cuban Missile crisis. -
polio Vaccine (Dr. Jonas Salk)
He was a research doctor, who got stationed at university pf Pittsburgh, and at that time he was determined that there was 3 types of polio. So, because of that he was able to find a vaccine which helped lessen the situation. -
Little Rock 9
When integration became to slowly happen, nine students were chosen to enter Central High School. During that time eight of them arrived on time, but one of them was left behind so she was met with a white mob that harassed her. -
Space Race (Sputnik)
This was a 58cm in diameter sphere, covered in polished metal, which was set into orbit by the soviets scaring many Americans of what it could be. -
Counter Culture (Hippies)
Sort of a new community filled with young folks with new ideas. As they rejected middle class values, material possessions and were highly entertained with drugs. As they explored their inner self and believed in peace. -
Period: to
The people who were trying to do their nation good were often killed. As racial was its worse And many crooked politicians were in the government. -
These were a non-violent protest for African Americans. In which it involved going into white only counters and sitting down and ask to be served. At time it would work, but the majority of times they were beaten or threatened. -
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
At first there was five founding members, but later nine more joined. It was an organization meant to coordinate and unify petroleum policies among different countries. With different economic situations and regular supply of it to consuming nations. -
Television (Politics- Nixon, Kennedy)
This was the first TV debate ever to be broadcast. For presidency between Nixon and Kennedy, Both would prepare Kennedy by applying make up, And Nixon by not doing anything. The people who watched this election said Kennedy won because he didn't sick like Nixon. -
New frontier
This was John F. Kennedy's promise for presidency, consisting of social security benefits and in minimum wage, several housing bills, and economic aid to areas that need it. So, basically it was helping all around. Although at the end not much happened during his time as president. -
Peace Corps
This corporation is a volunteer program. The main purpose was to maintain peace by providing Technical assistance and helping people outside of the nation. -
Polio Vaccine (Albert Sabin)
He was another medical researcher who created an oral Vaccine which helped nearly eradicate polio. -
Freedom Rides
Both whites and blacks traveled on buses through the interstate. To the south so they could challenge their resistance in hopes of starting a problem. So, that the government would take action. -
Birmingham Bombing
A bomb was detonated inside the 19th floor of the Street Baptist Church. Killing four girls with the Ku Klax Klan behind it. Even though they were never held or trialed. -
Assassination of JFK (Lee Harvey Oswald)
A former United States Marine who left to join the soviets, became communist. Then came back with a special pass. Lastly, went to Dallas, TX and presumably shot Kennedy Twice, killing him. -
Assassination of JFK
President Kennedy traveled to Dallas for motorcade. Taking many turns before reaching Dealey Plaza when Oswald took multiple shots and killed Kennedy on the spot. Then there was evidence missing and Conspiracies. -
Assassination of JFK (Jacky Ruby)
Ruby used to own a night club, he was a lonely man with out any marriages or even children. Two days later he pulls up in a pick up truck with a rifle and shoots Lee Harvey Oswald at Dealey Plaza -
Assassination of JFK (Warren Commission )
This was established by President Johnson through executive order 11130. It was a group of men who were sent out to investigate the murder, but at the end they concluded Oswald had acted alone due to lack of evidence. -
Ascendancy of Lyndon Johnson (Daisy Girl Ad)
This was a one- time aired Advertisement which played with the fears of the cold war mentality and its theoretical possibilities. This was used by Jonson against Goldwater, since he wanted to let commanders have authority to nuclear weapons. So, Johnson won by a landslide. -
Counter Culture (LSD)
Hippies came to create LSD or also known as Acid. So, because of this became so invested and addicted that the government made it illegal to reproduce these items. -
Great society
This was a promise purposed by President Johnson to help with the elimination of racial injustice, poverty, education, good living standards, and beautification. -
Malcolm X
He was an African American who converted to Islam, he wanted black militancy for self defense and thought that non- violent protesting wasn't the way to go. Also at first he didn't want the help of whites but later changed his mind. He was then gunned down during a speech ordered by Elijah Muhammad. -
Selma March
Around 600 protesters walked 50 miles to Montgomery for the right to vote, including MLK. At the end police waited with clubs and gas. At that point A.A kneeled and prayed while white bystanders cheered for their beating. All this was broadcast on TV though and had many in the north in shock. -
Watt's Riot
In California, residents rioted because of racial injustices. As they were a daily basis thing, during those riots the area burned for six day in Los Angeles. -
Warren Burger Supreme Court
Nominated by President Nixon to become the 15th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from June 23, 1969 through September 26, 1986. -
Period: to
This was a time of evolution and pondering. -
Beginnings of the Personal Computer
The Kenbak-1 was the first personal computer ever made and sold. Which sole purpose was to be a multipurpose tool that was created by John Blakenbaker, and has now influenced our daily lives greatly. -
Equal Rights Amendment
This act was passed to let women have equal rights. As so many movements and protests were happening. It made people not be able to discriminate someone based on sex. -
this was when inflation was at its highest, economic growth rates were very slow, and unemployment was pretty high. All this was because of the production of oil and how it was reduced, making it more expensive. -
Heritage Foundation
Used to promote public policies based on the principles of "free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional american values, and a strong national defense." -
Silent Majority's Involvement in Politics
A large group of people who did not openly express their political beliefs or opinions. Usually didn't participate in the rejection of the Vietnam war, nor counter culture, or any public discourse. -
Jimmy Carter’s Presidency (Panama canal)
President Jimmy Carter signed the Panama Canal Treaty and the Neutrality Treaty Promise to give control of the canal to Panamanians by the year 2000, because the U.S basically just built it through their neighbors yard. -
Jimmy Carter’s Presidency (Camp David's Accords)
There was sort of a war going on between Egypt and the State of Israel. So, the camp David's Accords were signed as a peace treaty , which were ironically signed at camp David. -
Jimmy Carter’s Presidency (Iran Hostage Crisis)
This was an event which 52 Americans were being held against their will for 444 days by a group of students who belonged to the Muslim student followers of the Imam's line. All this made Carters term look bad as he couldn't solve the problem and return the Americans. -
Period: to
Soviet War in Afghanistan
Dec 25, 1979 – Feb 15, 1989 -
Period: to
Many new occurrences were beginning to happen as many more rights were being passed and innovations that became popular. -
Election of 1980
This was between Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondate for democrats, while Ronald Reagan was running with George H.W Bush as Republicans. At the end Jimmy had won in the end. -
Discount Retailing
This made selling product at a lower cost more efficient.
Entertainment so during the late 80’s these stores became more popular than any other. Reaching 87 percent of all retail market share in 1987 -
Space Shuttle Program
This was a manned vehicle that could hold 8 men and quite a bit of load. Which contained two solid rocket boosters, and a disposable external fuel tank. This was the only winged and manned spacecraft to achieve orbit and landing -
Music Television (MTV)
When MTV was first introduced it had tons of music videos, VJs and news special t that channel. They brought everything that symbolizes that era, created by Robert Pittman and Tom Freston. -
Sandra Day ' Connor
She was the first woman to serve at the supreme court. From 1981 to 2006 and in 2009 was given the medal of freedom by president barrack Obama. -
A.I.D.S Crisis
In 1982, 5 gay men were reviewed in a local hospital and determined to have a sexually transmitted disease. Later reported as something coming from mostly Haiti, finally getting its name Aids. And people were getting aggravated because not enough research was being conducted. -
Reagan Presidency (Strategic Defense Initiate (SDI) "Star Wars" )
This was a backup strategy because of the fear of a nuclear winter. Basically, the program being launched was to develop a very advanced ant ballistic Missile system, to prevent attacks from other countries especially the soviets at that time. -
Rap Music
In the 80’s scenes in music began to popularizes and get bad credit. As it changed direction as rock would evolve, but it was still not considered radio hits -
Video Head System (VHS)
This decade was the peak for VHS, having sort of a product war with Beta-max but ultimately won. As it let people watch recordings of their favorite movies, music and special events. -
Home Video Game Sysytems
During this time having a console which was portable was becoming trendy but it had some hardships, but new things were being developed at the same time controversies grew as well and now are a big part of our culture. -
Technology (Affordable Cell Phones)
These were the second generation of phones created with man improvements, making them smaller instead of the size of a briefcase, plus the prices were meant to be lower as you could get a decent phone with 2G tech for just 200. And as time went on so did the phones as they were made into the things we use today little by little. -
Period: to
Persian Gulf War / 1st Iraq War
Saddam Hussein, ordered the invasion and occupation of Kuwait with the apparent aim of acquiring that nation’s large oil reserves, canceling a large debt Iraq owed Kuwait, and expanding Iraqi power in the region. then because of that NATO allies sent troops to rush Saudi Arabia as a way to deter any possible attacks. -
Rodney King Incident
Rodney King was an African American taxi driver who became well know on an international level because of a video that was recorded by a witness. Who saw king get beat by four Los Angeles Police department officers, and others just stood there. -
Election of 1992
This election was between George H.W Bush and Bill Clinton, with bill Clinton becoming the 42nd president. By winning twice the number of electoral votes. -
Bill Clinton Presidency (World Trade Center Attack)
It was a bombing at the world trade center, with 6 dead and more than 1000 injured. As terrorists parked in a rental van detonated a homemade bomb. Being recognized as one of the worst attacks to the U.S -
Bill Clinton Presidency (Don't Ask, Just Tell)
This denied men and women who were gay or lesbian, even bisexual to join the military this law in place to discriminate them for 17 years. primarily because they are afraid or find that nontraditional and unheard of. -
Entertainment (Oprah Winfrey)
She decided a new take on her show, by focusing on literature, self- improvement, and spirituality. Although, many criticized she was still praised for overcoming adversity -
Bill Clinton Presidency (Balkans Crisis)
A NATO ultimatum brought about a cease-fire and the withdrawal of Serbian artillery in 1994. After a prolonged period of indecision, the world community took action to restore Bosnia's integrity. Peace negotiations held at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, in late 1995 included presidents Milosevic, Izetbegovic and Franjo Tudjman of Croatia -
Entertainment (Black Entertainment Television (BET))
This is a company owned by BET Networks division of Viacom, which targeted young blacks and included a lot of their culture and entertainment. And was famous for the interview of Orenthal Simpson who had recently murdered his wife -
Bill Clinton Presidency (Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA))
People believed that marriage should be between man and woman and thought it was unconstitutional for gay or lesbian marriage, then a federal act allowed states to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages. -
Election of 2000 (Al Gore)
Gore was the 45th vice president later wanting to go up the latter to president. He had to go against Bush. During the election Gore, had won the national popular vote, but lost the electoral college vote. -
Election of 2000 (Election Controversy)
So, whenever they did the recount in Florida many people suspect that bush had help by his younger brother as he was the governor. -
Election of 2000 (Bush V. Gore case)
The supreme court decided that to manually recount every single vote in the county of Florida. Making the question if the supreme court violated article II. Later stating that, that was in fact unfair practice. -
George W. Bush Presidency (9/11 Attacks)
This was a terrorist attack, in which commercial airplanes were hijacked and crashed onto the world trade center. Killing 2,977 people and bring down both towers. Later a tape is released in which Osama bin laden takes the blame. -
George W. Bush Presidency (PATRIOT ACT)
Patriot was a title that could be expanded into “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism” in order to prevent any more attacks such as the one that occurred on 9/11. -
George W. Bush Presidency (No Child Left Behind Act)
This required states to issue standardized testing for reading and math for children in grades third through eight, to improve education all around. As it was lacking in many states, and that was used to better the nations future. -
George W. Bush Presidency (Compassionate Conservatism)
This is believed that social issues are going to be solved faster an better if they are under private companies and charities rather than large government funded programs. Basically, it’s like laissez faire -
George W. Bush Presidency (Hurricane Katrina Disaster)
The was third strongest natural storm to hit the U.S, being a category 5. Killing 1,836 people with many people still missing. Affecting many people from home evacuations, gas prices going up, and the economy suffering. -
Obama Presidency (First Hispanic SCOTUS judge - Sonya Sotomayor)
She had inspiration to become a judge from a show called Perry mason. Later graduating from Yale. Becoming a U.S District court Judge in 1992. Then being put into second circuit court. Finally becoming the first Latina supreme court justice in U.S History. -
Obama Presidency (Undoing of DOMA)
Basically, Obama will no longer defend the legal probation of same sex marriage. As times started to change during the 21st century. -
Obama Presidency (Affordable Care Act (ACA) “Obamacare")
This was to aid more Americans with affordable health insurance, while at the same time improving the quality of health care and health insurance, and to reduce the spending for that.