Czechoslovakian Revolution

  • Czeck Party

    Alexander Dubcek succeeds Novotny as CPCz leader
  • Alexander Dubeck

    Programme of liberalizing reforms known as Prague Spring with the aim of ushering in "socialism with a human face".
  • Soviet-led Warsaw Pact troops invade

  • Protest from part of the civilization

    A student burns himself to death in protest at occupation by Warsaw Pact armies.
  • New leader

    Gustav Husak replaces Dubcek as CPCz leader and in 1975 become president.
  • Milos Jakes

    Replaces Husak as party leader.
  • Marian Calfa

    Becomes prime minister in a government in which the majority of members are non-Communists. Husak resigns as president. Dubcek elected chairman of Federal Assembly. Vaclav Havel elected president, completing the "velvet revolution".
  • Civic Forum disbanded

    Civic Forum disbanded
    Members form two new parties, the conservative Civic Democratic Party (CDP) and the liberal Civic Movement. Legislation allowing privatization of state-owned enterprises approved.
  • Elections arrive Czech

    Elections see Czech voters backing the centre right while their Slovak counterparts support Slovak separatists and left wing parties. Negotiations between Klaus and Meciar reach deadlock as neither is prepared to compromise. The two agree to the separation of Slovakia from the Czech Lands, despite the objections of President Havel and a general lack of popular enthusiasm.
  • Velvet divorce completed

    Czechoslovakia completes "velvet divorce" which results in two independent countries, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.