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Czechoslovakia Revolution

  • That night...

    That night...
    Troops from Russia, Hungary, Bulgaria, East Germany, and Poland occupied Czechoslovakia. The Czechoslovakian government immediately declared that the “invasion was a violation of socialist principals, international law, and the United Nations Charter.”
  • velvet revolution

    velvet revolution
    Police disperse numerous mass protests against human and civil rights violations
  • velvet revolution

    velvet revolution
    Peaceful mass protests and strikes gain momentum. The Civic Forum, a broad antigovernment coalition, formed.
  • Marian Calfa

    Marian Calfa
    Becomes prime minister in a government in which the majority of members are non- Communists.
  • "Czech and Slovak Federative Republic."

    "Czech and Slovak Federative Republic."
    Country renamed Czech and Slovak Federative Republic. First free elections since 1946 lead to establishment of coalition government involving all major parties with the exception of the CPCz. Havel re-elected president.
  • Civil Forum Disbanded

    Civil Forum Disbanded
    Members form two new parties, the conservative Civic Democratic Party, and the liberal Civic Movement. Legislation allowing privatization of state-owned enterprises approved.
  • Soviet forces complete withdrawal

    Soviet forces complete withdrawal
  • Federal Assembly

    Federal Assembly
    Adopts legislation enabling the federation to disband.
  • Velvet divorce

    Velvet divorce
    Czechoslovakia completes "velvet divorce" which results in two independent countries, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.