
Czech Republic and Honduras Timeline

  • 500

    Czechs Colonize

    Czechs Colonize
  • Jan 26, 1524

    Honduras Colonization

    Honduras Colonization
  • Czech Revolt In Bohemia

    Czech Revolt In Bohemia
    After much religious tension, the Czechs revolt
  • Honduras Independant from Spain

    Honduras Independant from Spain
  • Honduras A Constitutional Republic

    Honduras A Constitutional Republic
  • Honduras Declared an Autonomous State

  • Czechs Under Austrian Crown

  • Czechs Independant from Austro-Hungarian Empire

    Czechs Independant from Austro-Hungarian Empire
  • Czech Republic: Parliamentary Democracy

    Czech Republic: Parliamentary Democracy
  • Czech Republic Date of Independence

    Czech Republic Date of Independence
  • Czech Republic Breaks from Czechoslovakia

    Czech Republic Breaks from Czechoslovakia
    The transition was a little rough because of some federal opposition, but it still happened and in less than a year.
  • Czech Republic Joins NATO

    Czech Republic Joins NATO
    After being invited to join in 1997, Czech Republic joins NATO in 1999
  • Czech Republic Joins EU

    Czech Republic Joins EU
    In May 2004, Czech Republic joins the EU along with several other countries.
  • Honduras suspended from OAS

    Honduras suspended from OAS
    On July 4th 2009, Honduras was suspended from the Organization of American States after a deposed Mlitary coup with then- president Manuel Zelaya
  • Honduras Reinstated to OAS

    Honduras Reinstated to OAS
    Honduras was reinstated into the OAS after Manuel Zelaya was allowed to returned back to the country