The Great Northern War
The great northern war lasted from 1700-1721. The Great northern war was fought between Charles the Xll and Peter te great. By the end of the war Swden had lost their supremacy as the leading power in the Baltic region. It was then replaced by Peter the great's Russia. -
The Decembrist Revolt
The decembrist Revolt took on Decemeber 1825, when a mall group of nobles and army officers tried to overthrow the czar's government. They wanted to set up a constitutional momarchy.Czar Nicholas 1 quickly crushed the up rising, he executed five leaders and exiled hundreds more to Siberia. -
Czar Alexander 11 emancipated the serfs
Czar Alexander the 11 rose before dawn ad decided this morning he would set 23 million of his subjects free. -
Alexander the 11 assassination
Alexander the 11 was the emperor of Russia since March 2, 1855. He fell into the assassination plot in Saint Perersburg. -
Russo Japenese War
The Japenese War was known as the "great war of the century" it grew out of rival inperial ambitions of the Russian Empire and the Empire of Japan over Manchuria and Korea. -
Bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday took place on January 30, 1905, thousands of unarmed men, women, and cildren joined father Gapon.They people only wanted two things "freadom of speech and to be able to decide together as the people of Russia. As the protesting went on and they began to walk foward soldiers began to shoot inocent people. -
Czar Nicholas 11 abdicates Russian throne
After bloody Sunday, horrified Russains sparked the revoltuion of 1905. Riots and strikes swept the city. to end the violence, Czar Nicholas 11 finally agreed to set up an elected assembly called the Duma to abdicate his spot on the Russain throne. -
The Revolution of 1905
The events of Bloddy Sunday, as the masacre was called, orrified russians and sparked the revolution of 1905. To end the violence, Czar Nicholas 11 made a plan called Duma. Duma had little power however, and the reforms failed to resolve Russia's basic problems. -
World War 1
World war 1 began on July 28, 1914 and ended on Novemember 11, 1918. The war was cuased by many factors, such as the conflicts of the four decades leading up to the war Militanism, alliances, imperalism, and nationalism played a major roles in conflict as well. -
The March Revolution
The March Revolution took place on March 8, 1917, where the Bolsheviks marched to red square to take over power.