Cybersecurity - 04/11/2021

  • Last Lesson

    Last lesson we learnt about many topics for Cybersecurity, such as the five nines, which means services are up for 99.999% of the year, so services are only down for a maximum of 5 minutes, as high availability is very important for a company's success, as the less nines there are, the more downtime a company has, so it aims for 100% if possible, but seeing as that's nigh impossible, they aim for 99.999% instead if it's important for it to be up every day.
  • This Lesson

    This lesson we worked on the Packet Tracer labs we worked on last year, including adding descriptions to them as to show we understand what's going on, and why everything needs to happen, which let us see just what goes on in many different servers at a company, showing that while to the public, computers may seem simple and easy to use, their systems are very complex, and require a lot of tuning to stay stable and work.