Satelite Sputnik was launched into space by the USSR,which triggered the space race, in which the United States made a lot of technological advancements. -
ARPA (Advanded Research Projects Agency)
Because of the technological advances, the United States made a network called ARPA, which was used for education, and in research facilities. -
On march 1972, the first basic email was made. Although this brought a lot of advantages, people use it a lot for cyberbullying. -
Ethernet was developed by Dr. Robert M. Metcalfe -
25 million pc's
On this date, 25,000,000 pc's were sold in the US. With so many people with access to computers, cyberbullying is more simple. -
Google Was Invented
Google is a search engine in which you can research your doubts and interest, and you can share pictures and documents. Though Google can be really useful, there is a downside to it. Google contains lots of innapropiate sites, and any person from any age can access it. -
Facebook Was Invented
Facebook is a social network accessed by millions of people. since 2004, Facebook has been very successful. Its purpose was for people around the world to connect, though it has many inconveniences. People may ahare negative information about you, or make mean pages about you. Facebook is the first thing someone uses to Cyber-Bully someone. -
Youtube was Invented
Youtube is a site where you can stream videos for free. People like celebrities, or ordinary people post videos on it for everybody to watch. However, in the comment section of Youtube videos, people may say bad things about you. Also, people might post innapropiate videos on Youtube. -
Twitter Was Invented
Twitter is another very successful social network, were celebrities, or ordinary people post things about their personal lives. However, this website is public, and anyone can see what people say about you. -
Whats App Was Created
Whats App is an app where you can text message for free to other people on smartphones. Like text message, Whats App is a very easy tool fo cyberbullying, because you can text someone without them knowing who you are.