

  • 1999-NASA Attack

    1999-NASA Attack
    Where: Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
    Who: Jonathan Joseph James pseudonym "C0mrade"
    broke the security of NASA and access 13 computers where it stole software and information.
  • Period: to

    July 2007 - Zeus Malware

    Where: The United States and Europe.
    Who: Hamza Bendelladj, known as Bx1. Commit more than 74,000 FTP accounts on corporate websites and infects 3.6 million computers in the US.
  • April 2011 - Play Station Attack

    April 2011 - Play Station Attack
    Where : Sony PlayStarion Nertwork. California, U.S.A
    Who: Without identifying.The online service was affected for about a month, in which 77 million accounts went offline for 23 days.The company confirmed that it had cost around 100 million dollars.
  • November 24 2014 - Attack Sony Pictures

    Where: Sony Pictures Studios, Hollywood U.S.
    Who: North Corea or Ex Sony Pictures employees Probably the attack was the launch of the movie "The Interview"
    , paralyzed the company's computer systems, and resulted in large leaks of data, financial records and emails of Hollywood executives.
  • May 12 2018 - Attack Masive on Microsoft Windows WannaCry

    Where: To more than half of the countries in the world.
    Who: Unknown. More than 230 thousand computers in 150 countries were affected. And they collect more than $ 140,000 in bitcoin. The ransomware name is WannaCry.