cyber security session 2

By 1704550
  • session 9 start

    session 9 start
    last lesson we configured a network in cisco. we configured an email server, a NTP, dns server, a AAA server and we activated the NTP server
  • session 9 end

    session 9 end
    this week we worked on LAB 2 which included sending emails inside of a closed network and uploading files using FTP
  • session 10 start

    session 10 start
    last lesson we configured a network and sent an email on an email server and uploading files using FTP
  • session 10 end

    session 10 end
    this lesson we did LAB 3 which included encryption
  • session 11 start

    session 11 start
    last lesson we did LAB3 which included encryption and many other things
  • session 11 end

    session 11 end
    this lesson we did lab4 and someother reseach and studying for the cyber security exam in january
  • session 12

    session 12
    -did lab5 then did work for project management
    -i think this is going to take longer than it needs to because of these stupid timetoasts
    -these labs are easy and i can finish them in under 30 minutes
    -i do not have enough energy to revise because of timetoasts
    -i plan to revise more in lesson
    -i think that doing timetoasts is a complete waste of time and energy, it is going to make me finish this assignment later than i should because of this stupuid website
  • session 12 with the stupid hats

    session 12 with the stupid hats
    -did some work on the assignment, also created an email for the client
    -i think this is going to take longer than it needs to because of these stupid timetoasts
    -i can get this unit done within a week
    -i do not have enough energy to work on the assignment because of timetoasts
    -i plan to finish the assignment withing 2 weeks
    -i think that doing timetoasts is a complete waste of time and energy, it is going to make me finish this assignment later than i should because of this stupuid website
  • Period: to

    session 2

    last session we went over the terminology of the cyber security industry and looked at the differant types of hackers such as black, white and gray hat hackers and hacktavists
  • Period: to


    last week we went over the basics of cyber security and learned some of the terminology
  • Period: to

    session 2 end

    we went over some more of the terminology used in cyber security and looked at the vulnerabilities and differant areas that hackers may target
  • Period: to

    session 3 start

    last lesson we went over some more of the terminology used in cyber security and learned about some of the vulnerabilities that hackers may target
  • Period: to

    session 3

    we went over hashing algorithems and learned authentication methods
  • Period: to

    session 4 start

    last week we created a functioning network on cisco packet tracer and learned about some of the vulnerabilities that we may face in the future
  • Period: to

    session 4 end

    we went over the vulnerabilities that some networks face, for example phishing, whaling, trojan horses etc
  • Period: to

    session 6 start

    we looked at the differant featured of cryptography and how differant algorithems work with the alc and otp protocals
  • Period: to

    session 6 end

    we went over some hashing algorithems and how many differant combinations are in each, we also looked at how hackers may hide data inside media files
  • Period: to

    session 7 start

    last session we worked on the assignment and looked at the roles of team members in team and what jobs they do and how important they are to the project
  • Period: to

    session 7 start

    last lesson we looked at integrity and digital signatures
  • Period: to

    session 7 end

    this lesson we went over some of the raid models and how differant industries protect their data
  • Period: to

    session 8 start

    last lesson we went over conversions in binary code
  • Period: to

    session 8 end

    this lesson we configed a cisco network with email servers, dns servers and ntp