Cyber Bullying History

By 61672
  • Internet was created

    Internet was created
    Beranek and Newman INC. awarded packet switch contract to build interface message processors(IMP).
  • Arpanet

    First publication of the original ARPANET.
  • Ray Tomlinson

    • 1972-Ray Tomlinson modifies email for ARPANET .
  • Theorynet

    • 1977-Theorynet was created by Larry Landwebber.
  • NET

    1988-Internet worm burrows through the NET.
  • Arpanet Is Done

    Arpanet Is Done
    • 1990- ARPANET stops existing .
  • First connection

    • 1991- First connection takes place between Brazil and the Internet . (www created)
  • Internet Explorer

    • 1997- Internet Explorer created
  • Google

    Google founded
  • Internet access

    • 1999-Internet access becomes available to Saudi Arabian public.
  • safari

    • 2003- Safari created
  • Facebook

    Facebookb Founded
  • youtube

    Youtube founded
  • Nasa

    • 2008-Nasa successfully tests the first deep space communications network modeled on the internet.