• Reza Shah Pahalvi in power

    Reza Shah Pahalvi in power
    Mossadegh overthrown
  • Hallstein Doctrine

    EG and WG not to enter diplomatic relations
  • US enter Vietnam

  • Period: to

    US in Vietnam

    50,000 US soldiers dead
    Approx. $167bn cost
    643,000 tonnes of bombs dropped on NV
    700,000 tonnes of bombs dropped in SV
    Agent Orange + Napalm
    85% pop resettled
    1.1 mil Vietcong dead
    1/3 mil ARVN dead
    250,000 civilians
  • Ali arrested

    Ali arrested
    5 yrs sentence + $10,000 fine
    “I ain’t got no quarrel with those Vietcong.”
    3 year ban from boxing
    Stripped of title
  • Student + Workers' protests

  • Willy Brandt in Office

    Willy Brandt in Office
    Social Democrat
    Former mayor of W Berlin
    Following Adanauer
    Hallstein Doctrine failed to undermine communism
    FGR + GDR trade + tourism to influence GDR
    Western products + cultures
    Distraction from student + workers' protests across WG + US
  • SALT I

    SALT I
    Began Nov 1969 + finalised at Moscow Summit - May 1972
    5 yr freeze on offensive strategic
    US 1054 ICBMs + USSR 1618
    US + USSR 2 ABM fields
    <100 defensive missiles each
    Effectively ended competition over ABM defence technology + peace via MAD
    Nuclear parity accepted in principle
    Détente foundations
    Indirect acceptance of satellites to monitor nuclear non proliferation
    no agreements on MIRVs + cruise missiles
    Mutual recognition of spheres of influence
    Non interference
  • Warsaw Treaty

    Poland + FGR
    FRG agreed with Poland and Czech that they had no territorial claims on the other​
    Agreed with Poland that Oder Neisse line was ‘inviolable’​
    FRG would increase trade and financial assistance to both​
    Ethnic Germans in Poland able to emigrate to FRG
  • Moscow Treaty

    USSR + FRG declare no territorial claims against any other state
    FRG recognise ‘non-violability’ of Oder-Neisse borders​ with Poland
    FRG committed to negotiating treaties with Poland, Czechoslovakia, GDR + 4 Power Agreement over Berlin​
    FRG abandoned Hallstein Doctrine + agreed EG + WG eventually UN members
  • Erich Honecker in power

    Erich Honecker in power
    Replaced Ulbricht
    Had Brezhnev's support
    Failure of Ulbricht's econ + foreign policy - align GDR with USSR on détente
    Improve GDR economy + living conditions with consumer socialism
  • Ali's case overturned

    Ali's case overturned
  • Berlin Agreement (4 Power Agreement)

    USSR conceded unimpeded traffic between WB and FRG + recognition of WB ties with FRG + right for W Berliners to visit East Berlin
    USA admitted WB not technically part of the FRG​
    ‘milestone in the history of divided Berlin and divided Germany’
  • US looking for new leadership in Vietnam

    Indicated they were looking for new leaders to pressure President Nguyen Van Thieu to agree to proposals at talks
  • US excludes SV from negotiations

    Resulted in Paris Peace Agreement
  • Kissinger visit to USSR

    Kissinger visit to USSR
    Admitted that status quo was unsustainable
    Played China card and manoeuvred between USSR and China
  • Period: to

    Brezhnev Era

  • Nixon visit to China

  • Nixon visit to USSR

    Nixon visit to USSR
    First US president to do so
  • Basic Treaty

    FRG recognised GDR an equal and sovereign state.
    FRG accepted both states should be represented at UN from 1973
    FRG repeated determination for German unification
    Paved way for West to recognise GDR (Aus in 72, UK & Fra in 73, US in 74)
  • US bombing of Hanoi + other major cities

    Following Nixon's landslide victory
    Final pressure on NV to agree with proposals at Paris Peace Talks
    Reassured Thieu that US not conceding to NV
  • Paris Peace Agreement

    US withdrawal after 60 days
    Elections considered by a commission
  • US withdrawal from Vietnam

    Some air force + diplomats still in Saigon
    Military + econ aid incl. $1bn in armaments
  • Mohammed Daoud Khan in power

    Mohammed Daoud Khan in power
    Unpopular because not radical enough
    Failed to implement socialist policies
    Loss of USSR influence in Afghanistan + allegiance with USA, China, Pakistan
    Popularity amongst Islamic Fundamentalists in Afghanistan but also USSR (Muslim Central Asian republics in USSR)
  • Thieu's resignation

    Thieu's resignation
    Following ARVN defeats
  • Ford in Office

    Ford in Office
    Following Watergate
  • Vladivostok Summit

    November 1974
    Agreed framework for 10 yr plan for non-prolif
    Agreed 2400 ICBMs, SLBMs + heavy bombers.​
    Limited the number of missiles that can be armed with MIRVs.
    US and USSR disagree on whether arms limitation incl. limits to cruise missiles (US said no, USSR said yes).
    Carter proposed further reductions to strategic systems, launchers with MIRVs, ICBMs, launchers with ICBMs; bans on new ICBMs + cruise missiles – was rejected
  • Khmer Rouge in power

    Khmer Rouge in power
    Stepped up campaign against ARVN
    Gov forces overcome + US stepped away
    Khmer Rouge seized power
  • SV surrenders to NV

    Vietnam reunified
    1.5 million flee
    NV more guerrilla tactics against ARVN
  • Helsinki Accords

    Final meeting of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Eur (CSCE, 1972 - Aug 75) with 35 countries (Eur exc. Alb + USA + Can)
    Final agreement divided in 4 baskets confirmed Ostpolitik + Détente
    cooperation on security, economy, culture
    USSR mostly ignored provisions on human rights
    US public accused Ford of legitimising USSR domination in Eastern Europe
  • Carter in Office

    Carter in Office
  • War between Vietnam + Cambodia

    Following border disputes
    Khmer Rouge overthrown
    Pro Vietnam gov established
  • Daoud Khan overthrown + assassinated

    Radical Faction of PDPA
    Amin + Taraki
  • John Paul II begins Papacy

    John Paul II begins Papacy
    Real name Karol Wojtyła
  • US recognise PRC as only China

    Still informal relations + military aid to Taiwan
  • Khomeini in Iran after exile

    Triggered mass armed insurrection
    Caused the fall of the government
  • Iranian Revolution

    Iranian Revolution
    Led to an oil crisis
  • Thatcher in Parliament

    Thatcher in Parliament

    Finalised in June 1979 in Vienna after 7 years of negotiations
    Agreed to further limit ICBMs, SLBMs + heavy bombers to 2250 from 1981.
    Agreed to limit number of launchers with MIRVs to 1200 ​
    Scripted negotiations - Brezhnev seemed frail + little room for further negotiations.
    US never ratified it although terms were honoured by both sides until 1986
  • Operation Cyclone begins

  • Hafizullah Amin in office

    Hafizullah Amin in office
  • Taraki assassinated

    Taraki assassinated
    Ordered by Haifzullah Amin
  • USSR invade Afghanistan

  • Period: to

    USSR in Afghanistan

  • Hafizullah Amin assassinated

    Killed by KGB
    Succeeded by Babrak Karmal
  • 21 Demands

    Following inflation + illegal strikes by workers of Gdansk shipyard
    Joined by intellectuals + became Solidarity
  • Solidarity formed

    Solidarity formed
    Gave ppl identity
    US provided covert assistance
    USSR pressured Polish gov to restore order
    USSR busy in Afghanistan so didn't invade
    Leaned on Polish gen. Jaruzelski
    Solidarity planned ntl strike
  • Reagan in Office

    Reagan in Office
  • Period: to

    Martial law in Poland

    USSR leaned on Jaruzelski for help with Solidarity
  • Solidarity banned

  • Andropov in Kremlin

    Andropov in Kremlin
  • Brezhnev died

  • Evil Empire Speech

    Delivered to Ntl. Assoc of Evangelicals
  • SDI announced

  • KAL 007 shot down

  • Able Archer 83

    NATO exercise believed to be a real attack
    USSR on high alert for counter-attack
  • Ivan + Anya Speech

  • Andropov dies

  • USSR leave Afghanistan