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Daily Compline
Compline is a short office of chants, hymns, psalms and prayer. It is a favorite of Joshua Benish, CMLT's Evening Services Coordinator. "It's meant to give the night hours of our sleep into our Lord's hands so that whether we are awake or asleep we are the Lord's. It gives us comfort in that the Lord is always with us and always cares for us, even when we fall asleep," Benish said. Other than days with other evening services, compline is offered daily in the Rogote Chapel at 9:30 p.m. -
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Midweek Evening Prayer
Evening Prayer is a slightly longer office than Compline, and features many similar aspects, including chants, hymns, psalms and prayer. Unlike compline this service is held in The Chapel of Christ Triumphant and uses the organ. Student Joey Diaz enjoys Evening Prayer. "I like it because God comes to me through the word and liturgy, bringing life to me in the dark evening hours," Diaz said. Other than the days that have special services, this service is offered every Wednesday at 9:30 p.m. -
Feast of St. James
On this Tuesday, a service is held to honor St. James of Jerusalem. He is thought to be either the brother, step brother or cousin of Jesus Christ as noted by Pastor William Weeden in his book, "Celebrating the Saints." St. James was martyred for his confession of Christ, serving as an example of Christian faith. This service uses the office of Evening Prayer for the commemoration of him and is held at 9:30 p.m. in The Chapel of Christ Triumphant. -
Reformation Day
On this Wednesday, a divine service is held for the Festival of the Reformation. Commemorating the Lutheran Reformation, this service is held on the day Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses to the Castle Church doors in Wittenberg, Germany. This is one of Benish's most beloved services. "We go all out with this service. We have a procession and even incense and communion," Benish said. The divine service is held at 9:30 p.m. in The Chapel of Christ Triumphant. -
Feast of All Saints
On this Thursday, a service is held to honor all the saints and the martyrs of the church. Along with celebrating those who have gone before the church to be with Christ, this feast also celebrates the unity of the Church Triumphant and the Church Militant. This service uses the office of Evening Prayer for the commemoration of the saints and is held at 9:30 p.m. in The Chapel of Christ Triumphant. -
Feast of Saint Andrew
On this Thursday, the day before the actual feast day, a service is held to honor St. Andrew. He was one of Christ's 12 apostles, witnessing the life of Christ and confessing him. Weeden notes that St. Andrew felt unworthy to be crucified in the same way Jesus was crucified so when he was martyred for his faith he was crucified on a X-shaped cross. This service uses the office of Evening Prayer for the commemoration of him and is held at 9:30 p.m. in The Chapel of Christ Triumphant. -
Lessons and Carols
On the last Wednesday before the first semester finals, a service of biblical lessons and carols is held. "It's a ton of readings with a ton of hymns all talking about the coming Savior," Benish said. Along with the congregational singing of common Christmas hymns, there are also musical groups playing and singing their own pieces. This service is at 9:30 p.m. in The Chapel of Christ Triumphant. -
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Midweek Lenten Services
During Wednesdays in the church season of Lent, a service similar to Evening Prayer is held. These Lenten midweek services are almost identical to Evening Prayer but feature preaching from ordained CUW theology professors. These sermons are all themed based, interlocking with each other. These services are at 9:30 p.m. in The Chapel of Christ Triumphant. -
Corporate Confession and Absolution
On the Monday of Holy Week is the service of Corporate Confession and Absolution. In this service there is a united confession of sins followed by a personal proclamation of forgiveness to those going to the communion rail, as a pastor places his hand on the partaker's head making the sign of the cross. "It's a wonderful way to receive that personal absolution from God himself through the mouth of the pastor," Benish said. This service is at 9:30 p.m. in The Chapel of Christ Triumphant. -
Stations of the Cross
On the Tuesday of Holy Week, a service going through the stations of the cross is held. It follows the 14 statues of Christ's passion that are on the pillars of the chapel with readings and hymns. "Just because it's from the Roman Catholic tradition doesn't mean Lutheran's can't do it as well. The stations of the cross does a really good job at focusing on the particulars and details of Christ's sorrowful sufferings." Benish said. The service is at 9:30 p.m. in The Chapel of Christ Triumphant. -
Maundy Wednesday
On the Wednesday of Holy Week, there is the service of Maundy Wednesday. This divine service remembers the day of the last supper and Christ's institution of Holy Communion. While the actual church observation of this day is on Thursday, Benish says this service is done so students who cannot make it home for Easter Break can celebrate this church holiday. This service with communion is at 9:30 p.m. in The Chapel of Christ Triumphant.