WIP Dragon Age Timeline

  • 900

    Dragon Age Begins

    The sightings of dragons in the sky for the first time since the Steel Age where they were thought to be driven extinct, Divine Faustine II declares the age to be the Dragon Age. (Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 1)
  • 900

    Ferelden: Maric Theirin crowned King

    Maric Theirin kills the Orlesian King Meghren Dufayel in a duel atop Fort Drakon, and takes the throne of Ferelden.
    Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne
    Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 1 states that Meghren is killed in 9:00.
    Note: Stolen Throne states that Maric killed Meghren in 9:02, in conflict with the recent and canon timeline presented in The World of Thedas
  • 901

    Ferelden: Battle of Avinash

    Loghain Mac Tir leads the Ferelden Rebellion to victory at the Battle at Avinash.
    Codex entry: The Summer Sword, Dragon Age: Origins
  • 908

    Ferelden: Rowan Guerrin's Death

    Queen Rowan Guerrin of Ferelden dies of a wasting illness.
    (Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 1)
  • 910

    Orzammar: Branka becomes Paragon

    Branka, originally of the smith caste in Orzammar, is named Paragon for her invention of smokeless coal. (Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 1)
  • 910

    Deep Roads: The Architect is Discovered

    The Architect's plans to infect all of Thedas with the darkspawn taint are thwarted by a small group of Grey Wardens, and King Maric Theirin.
    (Dragon Age: The Calling)
  • 910

    Grey Wardens: The Order Return to Ferelden

    After two ages of banishment due to their involvement in a failed coup, King Maric invites the Grey Wardens to return to operation in Ferelden.
    (Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 1)
  • 912

    Dwarves: Kal-Sharok Resurfaces

    The Dwarven kingdom of Kal-Sharok is makes contact with the world once again in the Hunterhorn Mountains, after having been thought taken over by darkspawn. The dwarves of Kal-Sharok resent Orzammar for cutting them off during the darkspawn invasion, and refuse to bow to Orzammar's king.
    (Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 1)
  • 913

    Dwarves: Bownammer Falls

    Bownammar, the fortress of the Legion of the Dead, falls to the darkspawn. Thought to be the first sign of a blight, as the hoard was more numerous than ever.
    (Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 1)
  • 920

    Orlais: Battle of Larécolte

    Nevarran forces attempt to expand their current territory beyond the Fields of Ghislain. Duke Gaspard de Chalons leads the Orlesian forces, and in the end, challenges the Nevarran commander to a duel - winner taking Larécolte. Gaspard is victorious, and the Nevarran forces retreat.
    (Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 2)
  • 920

    Orlais: Celene Valmont is Crowned Empress

    Celene Valmont takes the Orlesian throne at just 16 years old, after conspiring with the Dowager Marquise Mantillon to have Emperor Florian assassinated.
    (Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 1 / Dragon Age: The Masked Empire)
  • 921

    Kirkwall: Templars Rise to Power

    Viscount Perrin Threnhold attempts and fails to rid the city of templars. Meredith Stannard arrests and executes him, then places Marlow Dumar as viscount. Meredith is named Knight-Commander of Kirkwall by Grand Cleric Elthina. (Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 1 / Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 2)
  • 922

    Chantry: Grand Cathedral is Attacked

    Blood mages controlling dragons launch an assault on the Grand Cathedral in Orlais, during the ten-year gathering of Chantry faithful. Cassandra Pentaghast defeats the dragons and blood mages.
    (Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 1 / Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker)
  • 922

    Chantry: Cassandra is Named Right Hand of the Divine

    Cassandra named Right Hand by Divine Beatrix III.
    (Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 1 / Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker)
  • 925

    Grey Wardens: Fereldan Wardens Sense the Next Blight

    The Wardens begin to sense the signs of the next blight
    (Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 2, p. 31)
  • 925

    Ferelden: King Maric is Presumed Dead

    In reality, he was being held by Aurelian Titus in Ath Velanis on Seheron, using him in a blood magic ritual.
    (Dragon Age: Until We Sleep)
  • 925

    Ferelden: Cailan Theirin is Crowned King of Ferelden

    In light of Maric's presumed death, Cailan Theirin is crowned King of Ferelden, and at the same time, marries Anora Mac Tir, making her Queen.
    (Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 1)
  • 928

    Orzammar: Branka Begins Her Search for the Anvil of the Void

    Paragon Branka and her entire house (except Oghren) venture into the Deep Roads in search of the Anvil of the Void.
    (Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 1)
  • 930

    Ferelden: Battle of Ostagar

    At the Battle of Ostagar, Loghain Mac Tir quits the field, leaving the assembled Grey Wardens and King Cailan trapped behind darkspawn lines. Cailan and the Wardens, except for Alistair and the Hero of Ferelden, are slaughtered.
    (Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 1)
  • 930

    Orzammar: King Endrin Aeducan dies

    King Endrin Aeducan dies after losing of two children, leaving only youngest child Bhelen to inherit the throne. A conflit breaks out in Orzammar over succession when Lord Pyral Harrowmont accuses Bhelen of fratricide.
    (Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 1)
  • 930

    The Fifth Blight Begins

    The Fifth Blight begins in the Korcari Wilds of Ferelden, after the Architect attempts to make a disciple of the Old God Urthemiel.
    (Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 1)
  • 930

    Character: Hawke and Family Flee Lothering

    After the Battle of Ostagar, Carver Hawke returns to Lothering barely ahead of the darkspawn hoard. Hawke and their family escape Lothering with Aveline Vallen. They lose Bethany Hawke and Ser Wesley Vallen.
  • 931

    Tethras Deep Roads Expedition

    Brothers Bartrand and Varric Tethras, along with the Champion of Kirkwall, lead an expedition into the Deep Roads. They discover an ancient thaig that predates the First Blight, where lyrium glows red. An idol made of this red lyrium is recovered.
    (Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 1)